Photo caption: Mugshots of Mayor Frank Melton, courtesy Hinds County Sheriff's Office.
Mayor Frank Melton turned himself in to Sheriff Malcom McMillin at 9:30 this morning after his probation officer discovered that he had left St. Dominic's Hospital and gone back to his North Jackson home.
Council President Ben Allen said the council had not made a decision on its next move, saying events were still unfolding. "He's being held at Raymond Detention Center in what is known as the medical wing," Allen said. "He is not in the general population. He will be held there until he goes before Judge Tomie Green, unless (Dale) Danks is successful in his attempts to have (Green) recused from her position in this case. At this point, that's all we know."
Melton's ankle bracelet alerted Probation Services Company that he was home at 7:30 a.m., Sheriff Malcolm McMillin said. PSC called McMillin, and the sheriff called Melton attorney Dale Danks.
"There won't be any mints on the pillow," McMillin said. "(Melton) will be wearing standard-issue jail clothing."
McMillin said Melton was in the health ward for both safety and health reasons. "You wouldn't put someone as high profile as the mayor in with the general population," he said.
McMillin said that Melton's new accomodations were a "single cell, like a hospital room."
Raymond Detention Center's hospital wing can house about 15 prisoners.
More details to come.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?About time!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Tonight, Jackson shall finally rest....
- LawClerk
- Mar 7 2007
I'm sure as the details come out this will be answered; but, does this mean the SC ruled on Judge Green this morning? Or, did the hospital release him, then the SC rules in favor of Melton by noon? Then what?
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Folks, I read the documents. I will be SHOCKED if Danks' motions get upheld by the Supreme Court. The unsealed transcript shows anything but bias against him on her part, IMHO. If anything, it shows that she was trying to help him.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
LawClerk, I'm not sure about the "rest" part just, yet. My guess is that thing could get worse first. Melton has a lot of supporters out there who are going to be mighty angry. Everybody be careful.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
seems like the melton camp believes that the SC will rule in their favor, so to not have it look like frank was holding up at St. Dom's, he turns himself in for a few hours and hopefully the SC bails him out this afternoon. I pray that doesn't happen but it may very well.
- jd
- Mar 7 2007
Ladd, I agree... I jumped the 'gun'.
I'm not sure what his chances are of the motion passing, I'm downloading the transcript as I type this. We shall see what happens. - LawClerk
- Mar 7 2007
"Melton has a lot of supporters out there who are going to be mighty angry." Doesn't it seem like that support is waning though? Seems like even some of the supporters of Frank that i know (mostly older folk) are growing tired of this soap opera.
- jd
- Mar 7 2007
There is another Free Frank rally at 4 p.m. today. Obviously, we will be there.
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 7 2007
Just a note, a friend of mine who works in production at WJTV suggested that we get as many people to vote so we can't make our point heard: WJTVs Home Page They announce this at every news show so let's show those people who live outside of Jackson how we all REALLY feel and say yes to "Should Frank Melton go to jail". I get so tired of hearing people from Brandon, Puckett, Vicksburg, etc saying that we have a great mayor when they don't live here and have to put up with it.
- Puck
- Mar 7 2007
Correction on my last post " so we CAN make our point heard." Sorry about that :)
- Puck
- Mar 7 2007
"WJTV suggested that we get as many people to vote so we can't make our point heard" I thought the norm on these stupid, useless polls was that it only allowed your IP address to vote once. That poll suggested that i return in an hour to vote again!
- jd
- Mar 7 2007
Oh no, Jay. On many of them, you can just sit and keep refreshing. These polls are stupid and misleading. That's why we don't do them.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Why do these TV stations rely on these "Unscientific Polls." Why don't they collectively finance a Scientific Poll. I voted, YES. melton should have been in jail years ago or for sure the deaths of those two youngsters should have been investigated. For those who don't remember, melton was accused of sexually abusing two children (boys) and both were killed. These polls depend on participation from those of us with computers. There is a population of older people (senior citizens) who are not computer literate and do not own a computer. Many of these citizens are voters! I think that most of the citizens of Jackson know now that melton has caused his own problems and that he must face the music associated with his dirty dancing.
- justjess
- Mar 7 2007
Hey, I'm just passing along the message. One of the problems they have is that all the positive comments they get are from people outside of Jackson, along with the poll itself. It ticks me off to hear "Ethel in Raymond says Frank keep up with the good work!" while "Bob in Jackson says Frank is insane!" Due their viewing area of half the state, they get more positive comments - all from people outside of jackson and very few jackson people respond. They always have to have a negative and a positive comment on their news cast from the "Share your thoughts" Another point with that is, the share your thoughts gets read by everyone in the news station (all the reporters, etc.) You have to keep it short and sweet and not write a book. I can't tell you how many times mine has been posted as the anti melton comment (I just change my name :) Few people, ever respond from Jackson to this or if they do, they write a book on how bad he is. Make it short and sweet. I know that was a bit of a ramble but I just know how it works there. The poll may be stupid and misleading to some extent, but if you don't use it you'll never get your point across. The more yes that you get, the more the point is made. To me this is like regular voting and the same reason we got stuck with Melton in the first place - people thinking its stupid to vote and to make your voice heard. I just urge you all to vote on things like this and if its something you feel strongly about, like Melton going to jail, pass it along to your friends - it only takes 5 seconds of your time and at least your voice is heard.
- Puck
- Mar 7 2007
It's called sensationalism, justjess. As for your follow-up statement, we do not know of conclusive evidence that those statements are true. He was accused of that, however, and in fact brought that up in a lot in my interviews with him.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
I'll still be interested to see how the MSSC rules. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems there are two questions before them, one being the notion of any bias of Judge Green, and the second the actual violation of probation. I agree that Judge Green has been quite above board on this one. The question of probation violation is interesting in terms of arrest. If the Mayor had been under the supervision of an MDOC probation officer he could have been arrested by the office on "probable cause" that he violated probation WITHOUT a warrant. Of course at some point the MDOC Officer would need to complete an Affidavit and Warrant, but in the meantime the Mayor would be in jail awaiting a hearing. PSC and other companies like PSC, and there are several that courts use in the state, have no such arrest authority, thus PSC needed to complete an affidavit first and secure a warrant from the court. However, the requirements are the same in both cases: "probable cause". Hopefully the MSSC will see this correctly and rule that there was "probable cause" for a Warrant to issue, regardless of who the Judge was that signed it. This is where I wonder if it's politics or law. We'll see when they rule and I hope there is comment with the ruling this time.
- JenniferGriffin
- Mar 7 2007
I've been banging on WLBT the past few days due to some inaccruacies and kid glove reporting of Melton lately. However, kudos to them for reporting the details better in today's report about Melton being arrested. The 57-year-old first-term mayor avoided jail time on the weapons charges and stayed in office under a plea deal that allowed him to plead no contest on a reduced a felony charge of carrying a weapon on a campus to a misdemeanor and guilty on two misdemeanor weapons charges. Thanks, this looks much better than what was reported this weekend.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
All that's interesting, Jennifer, especially in light of the fact that he desperately did not want to be under MDOC supervision. That came out in the then-sealed conversation with Judge Green. I agree with you after reading the docs: It's really hard to see bias on Green's part as was asserted in Danks' motion. If anything, she seems to be bending over backward to make sure he understands what his options are: three months' intensive house arrest (wearing an ankle bracelet) or serve six months in jail. More on that shortly.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Yes, the transcript of the plea terms is quite telling. She did go out of her way to protect his image as a public figure. She tried to find out if he was going anywhere he didn't want people to know about. She explained the ankle bracelet, and put it in terms that wouldn't alert the public. She even sealed the transcript so we wouldn't see how Melton pleaded with the court to not wear the ankle bracelet. He was "candid" so he had to be telling the truth! LOL!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
I would imagine anyone who understands the procedures and powers of an MDOC probation officer versus a private company - especially in terms of probation violation and arrest powers - would want the option of the private company. Either way, though, the arguement of probable cause remains. It will be interesting to read the MSSC's comments if they rule in any way other than there is no bias and actual probable cause. And if there are no comments, we should all be screaming why not?
- JenniferGriffin
- Mar 7 2007
I just updated this story with quotes from Sheriff Malcolm McMillin. Stay tuned for mugshots.
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 7 2007
Well, Tyrone Lewis says today is a "sad day for Jackson." It’s a sad day for the city, he said. “We’re concerned about the message that this sends to the criminal element,” he said. “The mayor was trying to keep his campaign promise to rid the city of crime. He was trying to do something positive.” Right! Can you name something positive Lewis?
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
I love the quote from Police Cmdr. Lewis that the CL has in one of its stories. He says it is a sad day for the city: “We’re concerned about the message that this sends to the criminal element,” he said. “The mayor was trying to keep his campaign promise to rid the city of crime. He was trying to do something positive.” Too many people in this city have been convinced that the only way to stop people from breaking the law is to allow Melton to bend the laws as he sees fit. It's really sad that people will give in that easily. Oh and what crime has Mayor Melton rid this city of? Bueller, Bueller....
- kp
- Mar 7 2007
The message it sends to to criminal element, and to everyone else, is that no one is above the law. He knew the rules of his probation, and he blatantly broke the rules of his probation. He's where he belongs.
- Lady Havoc
- Mar 7 2007
pikersam - great minds think alike Yours was just a tad faster than mine today. :)
- kp
- Mar 7 2007
That quote does not bode well for Mr. Lewis' sheriff's race, I would guess.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
I like great minds kp! Yeah, I'm trying to figure out who the NJam'ers are going to vote for for Sheriff and especially DA's office? So, do they really want the Robert Smith, who is the gangs attorney? Do they want Michelle Purvis who has even less experience than Faye. We know they don't like Faye! They will forget how Smith gets murders off because he will run on the fact he represented Recio and Wright. More than likely NJam won't have much affect on this election.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Real smooth quote Mr. Lewis! I would like to hear from Lester Williams. Regards, Larry
- Larry
- Mar 7 2007
Sad day? It an awesome day! WE got highs in the 70's, sunshine, and Spring is in the air. Spring is the the season of change, growth, and renewal/rebirth. Just what Jackson needs by getting Melton out of office!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Public safety is so important to the metro area. Crime, up or down will always be an issue. I hope Marshand will step up. He has the experience in law enforcement and government. I think it's his time.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Nice mug shot frankie.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
PuckInJxn, you are absolutely right about the importance of voting and the impact it has on the community - right or wrong. The biggest group gets the biggest bang. It still makes my stomach hurt but if all it takes is a click of the computer, I'm in. The Clarion Ledger has definitely capitualized in its Letter to the Editor section of their paper. They published so many stupid letters from people living in other parts of the State and their basic theme was: "GO GET 'EM FRANK. I wrote a letter once asking them to define the "EM they were referring to. Franks crap transends racial lines. It hurts everyone. When you take millions to pay the Wood Street Corp., Inc., you are messing with all of our dollars. Think about it!
- justjess
- Mar 7 2007
I just got this email from Jeff Lebowski!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Good one, justjess. Just who is the "em"??? We all know, don't we? There is no way in hell that Melton's white defenders would stand for him busting up a rental home because he claimed that the man who rented it did or sold drugs. No way. The "em" is the elephant in this room.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Okay...I read the Attorney General will prosecute the violations, which is interesting since I also read he was questioning what his/his office's role would be? Any one else get the feeling that he really doesn't want to do this?
- JenniferGriffin
- Mar 7 2007
He's got nothing to lose. He may lose a few votes in the City; but, N Jackson wasn't going to vote for him anyway. Also, he's under heat for everything else from Katrina insurance to a whole bunch more municipal incidents across the State. If anything, he should make an example of Melton because we are seeing more and more cases of public officials taking advantage of their office all over the state.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Well, it's the AG's job, and he needs to take this seriously. He must send the message that no one is above the law. He did that admirably last year. I hope he doesn't take his eye off the ball.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Also, it's pretty obvious they told the Meltonite leaders he was going to be arrested today, so they could plan their rally this afternoon. Donnie made his call to Larry's show well after Melton got out of the hospital; but before the offical announcement he was arrested. And, if Donnie doesn't have the rally at 4pm, he can't get on the news or have time to call Kim Wades show and talk about Hawkins Field being the center of drugs in America at 5 o'clock! ;-) Fight, Frank, Fight! You can't make this stuff up!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
We'll have photogs out in force today. We'll try to put up an extensive gallery on it.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
I do think that the Supreme Court will grant Melton's motion. Judge Green removed a valid court order from the court file & you can't do that. Even Barbara Dunn stated that she had never heard of that happening in her years of service. What Judge Green did was wrong and obviously shows bias towards Melton. While I am totally Anti-Melton, I am not Anti-an impartial judiciary and thats what happened here. Melton will be out of jail by 6:00p.m.
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
I'm not seeing that. She put the same motion back in the next a.m. with the exhibits that were left off. I would be rather disheartened to learn that such a minor technicality could let a criminal out of jail. And I really don't see how it shows "bias." It's also hard to find the "bias" in the unsealed probation conversation. I'm also not seeing the logic that it was unacceptable because Dunn had never seen it happen. I think we need a better legal standard than that, no?
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Dunn had never been robbed either, and it happened, remember? Just because it has never happened, doesn't mean that it can't happen. That's the kind of circular reasoning that gets people in trouble. I don't see how it was a fraudulent withdrawal. That is what they are going to have to decide.
- LawClerk
- Mar 7 2007
Green removed it b/c of "major error" wasn't a major error, it was clerical, she forgot to add the exhibits. There are proper channels for correcting that, and she didn't follows them. Bias is to be viewed at the time it happened, not after it's corrected. Also, as far as the transcript being clear, the fact of the matter still remains that Green participated in plea negotiations, a major violation of the canons.
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
I didn't say she did it elegantly—but that doesn't mean it proves "bias" or that she committed the crime of "tampering," as Mr. Danks alleged. That's the issue on the table. Also, I'm no great legal mind, but it looks from the transcript of that unsealed conversation about the plea that it was more about explanation and making sure that Mr. Melton and his attorneys understood what they were pleading to or passing up. Isn't that the judge's job? What am I missing here, legal-heads? It's really hard for me to see the "bias" against Melton in that document. Also, someone asked me yesterday if Danks and his partners have criminal experience. Anyone know?
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Merrida Coxwell does (he represented Beckwith & still keeps up a criminal practice) and I think he is working with them or at least his name is on the motion.
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
The only error that would be more major than leaving off the exhibits would be the judge forgetting to sign her name. In other words, if forgetting the needed exhibits is not a major error, I'm not certain what is.
- Lady Havoc
- Mar 7 2007
I have left exhibits off a motion before when I refrenced the exhibit in the motion & everytime that has happened do you know what the Judge has said? "Just fax it to me." It is clerical not major.
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
I hope everbody understands the definition of "larceny." Putting it back doesn't correct it.
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
I hope everybody understands the definition of "tampering." The suggestion that Green committed larceny when she simply re-filed the same motion with exhibits attached is absurd.
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 7 2007
and actually, it wasn't EXACTLY the same...she added an introductory section, but then left the rest the same
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
Yes, I should have said it was virtually the same, but the point is that Danks originally accused her of trying to thwart the Supreme Court's jurisdiction. That charge now appears incredibly overblown.
- Brian C Johnson
- Mar 7 2007
Here is a story from WLBT. According to the report, Melton plans to run the city from jail. Click on link and then on video. HOMEPAGE: Melton Turns Himself In
- blu_n_a_redstate
- Mar 7 2007
why not? the gambino family ran their business from prison, why can't he?
- Kingfish
- Mar 7 2007
Well, most criminals like to continue their business from jail. Just goes to show that he's no different fom the thugs he and his supporters railed against.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Damn it. Fish beat me to it.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Anthony Hopkins in "Silence Of The Lambs": "Oh senator, just one more the suit." We do frankie, we really do.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Isn't it true that he isn't supposed to have a cell phone in jail? How could he "run the city" from jail? Also, Shaun, my question about criminal experience referred more to what transpired last fall before Coxwell was on board. I was asking if any of the attorneys in the room with Green that day had criminal experience. It seems relevant in that they filed a motion Monday saying that, according to their recollection, she was "biased" against Melton and doing all sorts of things wrong. Thus, my question about their criminal expertise. I'm not saying they don't have any; I simply don't know. Obviously, Coxwell has criminal experience.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Does anyone think Frank will eventually step aside---with dignity???
- blu_n_a_redstate
- Mar 7 2007
I just can not resist: help
- Kingfish
- Mar 7 2007
Donna, I know that Danks was a city or county prosecutor before he was Mayor. Someone told me that Cory doesn't have any criminal experience and I am just not sure about Hamer. As well, to "plead" someone doesn't take much experience, everthing that needs to be explained is on the guilty plea petition and just reading the transcript of Judge Green, its seems she deviated from that quite a bit. Personally I have rarely seen a judge stray to far away from the petition, of course I am not saying that it does not happen.
- snowjob
- Mar 7 2007
Shaun, read the words that I wrote. I'm not talking about "pleading" exactly. The conversation that was sealed in Green's chambers, in which they discussed everyone's understanding of the plea, was characterized in very dramatic terms by Mr. Danks in his motion this Monday from his recollection of it. And the AG slaps Melton's attorneys down pretty hard in his filing today for their "tone" and accusations of criminality. It does seem surprising, doesn't it, that Mr. Danks so went on the attack without (a) having seen the sealed transcript and (b) without knowing why Judge Green took back that document late Monday and replaced it the next a.m.? My question was simply as to the level of criminal experience they have in situations such as these. I can't imagine that it that uncommon for a judge to meet with a defendant in his/her chambers in order to make sure they understand a plea. When Todd and I read the un-sealed transcript last night, it struck us that these are the kinds of conversations judges must have all the time with defendants. Her language seems to indicate that, even as Mr. Melton is a rather extraordinary defendant. I get the feeling she was trying hard to follow the law and be consistent with him, even as she was trying to give him leeway to try to do his job as mayor. So it seems relevant to ask how many criminal experience Melton's attorneys have had and how often they might have been in similar situations in criminal proceedings. I'm making no assumptions in asking that question. I'm no expert in these areas; simply trying to be a critical reader and thinker. From reading the transcript, it seems like she was rather bending over backward to help Mr. Melton. It's hard to imagine that that could be seen as "biased," at least by his side. I wonder if his attorneys only recalled certain parts of that conversation and not others. You know how human that is when you're remembering a conversation without the transcript. It's easy for you to unconsciously bend it your direction, or in this case perhaps the other direction. I'll just be honest: This is NOT the transcript I expected when I read Danks' motion on Monday. I wonder if it's what he expected. Who can know?
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Adam called in and said that about 30 people had shown up for the "Free Frank" rally at City Hall. That included a number of people in the city payroll (or on city contract), including Bob HIckingbottom, Stephanie-Parker Weaver and Carolyn Redd. Meantime, The Clarion-Ledger reported this without further details: Passed among the crowd was a flyer outlining a conspiracy theory linking Green to Melton’s probation officer and to the owner of the security company monitoring Frank. We wonder if that paper understands that the head of PSC is Robert Johnson—Melton's campaign manager and the former police chief who is very popular with many of Melton's supporters.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Yeah! Green is Mean! LOL!!!! Umm... They are missing the Johnson link... Good point.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
I can't imagine that it that uncommon for a judge to meet with a defendant in his/her chambers in order to make sure they understand a plea. When Todd and I read the un-sealed transcript last night, it struck us that these are the kinds of conversations judges must have all the time with defendants. Her language seems to indicate that, even as Mr. Melton is a rather extraordinary defendant. Ladd Exactly! In fact, when Melton gets "candid" with her, and tells her he didn't do what he was accused of she replies that every person that meets with her tells her the same thing. Sounds like many people get a chanch to meet with the judge to have things explained, and to whine a little.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
I'm not sure they've reported, yet, that Melton's campaign manager now runs the company monitoring his probation. We've been reporting that for weeks now, and Robert Johnson himself has blogged here. That's the kind of fact, whatever it means or doesn't mean, that I don't understand why they leave out.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
I saw it on WLBT. Mostly staffers I suppose. Sad and pathetic really. I didn't see any white, republican 39211'ers though. I guess the stock just took a dip. Oh well, time for another "Crime Summit" I guess.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
I spoke with Cam Edwards od They'll be covering it this evening on their show.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Some papers don't want the people decide based on the facts. The NYT and Boston Globe recently reported plagiarized stories and payments. Editorials are one thing as far as having an agenda or political view point you champion. But, the news is the news, and the goal of a reporter is to get the whole story - the truth what ever it may be.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Well, Sheriff McMillin and former Police Chief Robert Johnson (whom Meltonians are passing flyers around about) are very popular in 39211, right? I remember being at the fund-raising breakfast back during the campaign when Melton was raising money from rich wives by promising that Robert Johnson would be very high up in his administration, not in uniform, above that. They oohed and ahhed over that promise. Things change. I wonder if they've asked for their money back. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Sad and pathetic really. I didn't see any white, republican 39211'ers though. I guess the stock just took a dip. Cliff Our folks accept all people. Welcome home if you've been lost!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Bob Hickingbottom is on Kim Wade right now. I would challnege you and your listeners to do some due diligence on one point -- the number of misdemeanors in Hinds County that have ankle bracelets. Kim: Why can't you just ask the man to do right? Bob: I'll concede that point and won't argue with you about that. ... (Repeats question about misdemeanor). Kim: Go over to Melton's hpouse and tell all those guys to raise their pants legs. Bob: I don't think they'd be misdemeanors. (Everyone laughed.) Hickingbottom then promised that Melton would not resign. ...
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
He is saying Bennie Thompson has vendettas against everyone including Kim Wade! You can't make this up!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
I'm not Bennie's biggest fan, either, but he gets it from every direction! ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
"Free Frank!!! Free Frank!!! Free Frank!!!" "Green is mean!!! Grean is Mean!!! Hold my kool-aide...Green is mean!!!!"
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Wade just made a good point about courts and municipal court and records. Bob couldn't one has numbers!
- JenniferGriffin
- Mar 7 2007
What did Bob say in the end? Frank has how many?
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
Hickingbottom just said something black-on-black crime and something about the JFP in the same sentence. Couldn't make out exactly what he said. But it is mighty hypocritical for them to talk about black-on-black crime. For one thing, Melton's (alleged) attacks on Evans Welch and the Ridgeway duplex owned by Jennifer Sutton is NOTHING if not black-on-black crime. Secondly, they all just skip over the fact that one of the reasons the last mayor hired Chief Moore was because he was an expert on black-on-black crime.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
"Hickingbottom just said something black-on-black crime and something about the JFP in the same sentence. Couldn't make out exactly what he said". I couldn't tell what was said either. He was rambling at that point. He agreed to be a guset on Kim's show Thursday. You should call him---hell go up there! It's not his ball anymore. It's all falling apart and they know it.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
Secondly, they all just skip over the fact that one of the reasons the last mayor hired Chief Moore was because he was an expert on black-on-black crime. Ladd And crime was going down under Chief Moore using COMSTAT! Hmmm?!? No wonder SafeCity has missed the mark by a county mile!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
And crime was going down under Chief Moore using COMSTAT! Hmmm?!? Right, but Johnson's political enemies were never, ever going to admit that. They did everything they could to obscure that fact. They clearly thought they would get someone in who would pander to their needs, and crime would continue falling, and they could say that Melton was making that happen. Kinda reminds me of what I believe the Bush administration thought about WMD—of course, Saddam has them. So just say they're there, and it'll work out. Except, it didn't. Likewise, the Mill Street-Eastover Coalition's plan fell apart when their man proved to be fond of criminal activity himself, thus setting a rather poor example for the "thugs" they hated so much. Of course, they could have, and should have, known that would happen, but they ignored the warning signs, and the media just parroted what they wanted said about the last mayor. So. Here we are.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
So, someone remind me. Can Council force Chief Anderson out? Nothing is going to change as long as someone that incompetent warms that chair. She has to go, folks.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
This came earlier from the Council president via e-mail: please be advised that i will be calling a press conference tomorrow to catch the public up to speed on "where we are-where are we going" regarding the sad episode transpiring with mayor melton's situation....time and place will be sent to you early tomorrow morning... thanks [and pray]... ben
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
In some of Melton's early road blocks he brags of finding marijuana (or smelling it) in teenagers' cars, giving them a talking too, and sending them on their way. He didn't round these teens up, and use his powers of social work to make them better. Better examples for other youths. Nope, he surrounded himself with those who he deemed worthy, and went on to thumb his nose at the law while encouraging those around him to commit crimes with him. I can see an outside reasoning for Melton's wrath on the house had he gone in with his bodyguards and some cops, then did this. Remotely see. But, at least it would be within the confines of just the City. But, no... he brought his bodyguards, and a few YOUTHS to go on his rampage. What can anyone not see is wrong with this picture? Hello? Where is Col Taylor and the State? Where is the outrage by the schools, and school boards that he had a minor with him? The leaders who say they are for the children? For the City? Yeah right!?! Too many damn hypocrites in this town!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
I agree with you: one of the most outrageous I've ever heard about him is the allegation that he directed minors to commit a felony. I agree with you: Where is the outrage? I think it indicates that many people do not value young black men.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
Not to mention the rule of law.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 7 2007
As long as it's not their rental house he destroys, hey fine let's move on. Nothing to see here folks.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 7 2007
39211... Oh, another slur. Got it. I don't suppose it'll ever end.
- Ironghost
- Mar 7 2007
This morning I heard a news story on MPB about Melton that completely failed to mention that he was hiding out in the hospital and that there was a warrant out for his arrest - the story simply said that he was in the hospital recovering from post-cardiac surgery. What's this all about? Why does MPB have its head in the sand?
- savvydapunch
- Mar 7 2007
The sad truth that very few people realize is that the Council has been running the City for 18 months. This mayor doesn't even stay for the entire city council meetings. He has turned his power over to his "consultants" and those department heads he has appointed who campaigned for him. Of course they don't want him to resign--they would lose their inflated salaries. One thing you have to say about the Mayor, he gives his friends at least $70,000 a year. None of his consultants start out on normal salaries. It would be interesting to compare Jackson with other cities our size to see what department heads are making in other cities our size.
- realtime
- Mar 7 2007
There are several young men wearing ankle bracelets in the Queens. It is nothing new for some criminals to be in this spot. How many who knows? frank is being treated just as those who violate their probation they are not famous or elected officials therefore we just don't know about them. GREEN IS MEAN THANK GOD FOR HER MEANESS.
- jada
- Mar 7 2007
The funny thing is to read the un-sealed transcript. She definitely gave him the chance to do the right thing, lose the bracelet after three months and then serve out his probation. It was up to him. If he violated the rules, he should go to jail. That's simple. How many favors can the judge give him? Did MPB really do that? They had some really imcomplete coverage like that during the Seale indictments, too. That is disappointing, if so.
- jasp
- Mar 7 2007
Iron, is the 39211 reference really a slur if that's where a lot of Melton's strongest supporters live? It might simply be a reference to voting patterns. Try not to be so sensitive. Besides, you live in Clinton, don't you? ;-)
- jasp
- Mar 7 2007
Here's how AP summarizes Melton: Melton is a wealthy former TV executive and one-time state drug enforcement agency chief. He won a landslide election in 2005 on the promise of rooting out crime in Jackson. He became a fixture on nightly newscasts, wearing fatigues, carrying guns and criticizing the district attorney's office for not putting away enough criminals. He cruised the inner city with police and often took troubled children back to his home in a gated community.
- jasp
- Mar 7 2007
That AP story is a really fair account of what is going on.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
It's one of those things where I read "39211" and see "oh, we can't expect too much out of those people..." I keep saying one problem with Mississippi is, to quote Jeff Foxworthy, "We just don't get out enough."
- Ironghost
- Mar 7 2007
Sad and pathetic really. I didn't see [at the melton rally] any white, republican 39211'ers though. I guess the stock just took a dip. Cliff I went to Melton's inaugural party and was surprised to see only a handful--maybe less--of 39211ers. Not the big dogs or the little ones. Even then, they didn't out themselves to the public. What do you think that says?
- jasp
- Mar 7 2007
This man in Macon, GA would be happy to have Melton. Enjoy!
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
OMG! Some aryan blogger has picked up Melton's story. Ewww.... No one has posted, so I have no idea where they stand; but, it's out there on the intertubes.
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
- pikersam
- Mar 7 2007
just read the macon site. That was libel. Calling the guy a drug dealer. Has he been convicted? yeesh.
- Kingfish
- Mar 7 2007
Just read in the CL that the blue lights used by Melton were part of the violations. He used his car's blue lights to get to St. Dominic's last Thursday night. Just thought this was an ironic twist. Yesterday's pro-Frank rally was at 4:00 PM. Where were those brochures printed and were the City employees off on personal time or what? This needs to be clarified at the Council Press Conference today! Not one dime of City funds should be expended in this manner.
- ChrisCavanaugh
- Mar 8 2007
and while I am at it, today's astronomy photo: cool shot now back to your regularly scheduled programming
- Kingfish
- Mar 8 2007
Good point Chris. It is a travesty that our Council lets these employees go to these contrived gatherings during work hours or in City uniforms. When you have a woman (Redd) from TX, who probably would rather be back there, at press conferences for someone to announce that they are running for DA, it is pretty obvious she is doing that at the orders of the mayor not because she actually has an interest in our good City.
- pikersam
- Mar 8 2007
OK for you radio hosts and Councilmen who want to scare the public about mesdemeanor parole violations; well you better teach your criminal friends the etiquette of prison showers: "Misdemeanor violators jailed 'all the time'" Suck It Stokes! Suck It Larry!
- pikersam
- Mar 8 2007
Here is something interesting from an article in the CL: Chief Administrative Officer Robert Walker will oversee day-to-day operations of city departments. Melton will continue to serve as mayor and draw his paycheck, Walker said. Melton makes $120,000 a year. Compare that statement with what the "official" version from the City of Jackson's website bio for our virtuous mayor: In all of Mayor Melton’s public service in Mississippi he has never accepted a per diem or salary for his work. His commitment has always been in identifying solutions and moving forward towards progress, without regard to race, special interests or political affiliation. So, what is it Melton? Why did you suddenly decide to take a salary from the citizens of Jackson? Yet, you boast of not taking a salary from the State. Please, someone show me how he actually "loves" this City! He is a fraud all around! He is a habitual liar, that needs serious help.
- pikersam
- Mar 8 2007
"State Rep. Jim Evans compared Green's tactics to those of Bull Connor, the Birmingham public safety commissioner who in the 1960s ordered fire hoses and dogs be used against civil rights protesters. "These are Ku Klux Klan tactics to use prosecution to silence dissent in people who want to do things that are not normal," said Evans, who is married to Jackson City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans. "Jackson is being destroyed because of normal things and mediocre things." Hey Jim Evans. Yanking a mentally ill man out of his house in the middle of the night with no warrant is OK? Destroying everything he owned while he looks on while partially clothed is just fine, huh? All this while rich, white republicans from northeast Jackson cheer him on? If that's not KKK, nothing is.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 8 2007
"Allen said Melton's absence would not affect city business. Others agreed. "We anticipate things progressing and moving as they have been with this little jolt in the road," said Marcus Ward, Melton's chief of staff. "The mayor is still the mayor, and we have an administration and a city to run." Said Councilman Kenneth Stokes: "Nothing is going to change. The city is going to run as it has always run." Not gonna stop until you run this city the rest of the way into ground Stokes? I hope the JFP remembers this come endorsement time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 8 2007
Cliff beat me to some of this; but, I'm posting expanded comments from the people whose salaries we pay: Carolyn Redd, the mayor's sister-in-law who works for the city, passed out fliers suggesting a conspiracy linking Green to Melton's probation officer and Johnson. State Rep. Jim Evans compared Green's tactics to those of Bull Connor, the Birmingham public safety commissioner who in the 1960s ordered fire hoses and dogs be used against civil rights protesters. "These are Ku Klux Klan tactics to use prosecution to silence dissent in people who want to do things that are not normal," said Evans, who is married to Jackson City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans. "Jackson is being destroyed because of normal things and mediocre things." He later said Green had a "tonic spirit spewing out bad venom." Redd passed out conspiracy fliers!!!! WTF? We pay for this crap Ben?!? We are not getting the representation we deserve from our council. If this was some other mayor doing all this, you guys would have stopped this stuff a long time ago. But, no... when people like Leland Speed get on TV with Bert Case and say, "I know one thing. His heart is in the right place." I am throughly disgusted! It does nothing to help move this forward by saying flippant statements like that! Was his heart in the right place when that boy killed himself at his house? When that girl drowned at the Y due to his negligence? When he kept the Sheriff from arresting Michael Taylor? When two boys who accused him of abuse were later killed? When one of his "boys" failed 13 drug tests while living under his roof? When Michael Taylor helped Melton tear up the home on Ridgeway? When he brings minors on raids to the Upper Level? When Michael Taylor CARJACKED a woman shortly after the Ridgeway incident? When the football player was busted for having guns on campus? When the guy that got busted after being seen on camera at Melton "Father's Day" bar-b-q for outstanding warrants? The list goes on... Please, tell me how is his heart in the right place? If anything we need to protect the children from melton. So, for those of you who have issues that Melton is not allowed around minors as part of his parole and bond, can you give me a good reason why he SHOULD be around minors? I mean you Melton supporters do have children right?
- pikersam
- Mar 8 2007
"I mean you Melton supporters do have children right?" Yup, I'm sure they do. They just won't let them stay at Frank's house.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 8 2007
"About 50 people gathered for a "Free Frank" rally in front of the Hinds County Courthouse on Wednesday afternoon. Fliers stating that Green had ties to probation service officials and accusing them of a "personal vendetta" against the mayor were handed out. "Robert Johnson (is) a devoted personal friend, campaign worker and 'cuzin'of Tomie Green. Now, Johnson is the owner of the security company monitoring Melton's probation," the flier stated." I love it.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 8 2007
One for the Kingfish.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 8 2007
The mug shot is priceless. I wonder if Melton was really feeling as weary as he appears or was he playing to the camera to rally his sympathizers.
- Mar 8 2007
I'd vote for weary. It's so easy to feel sorry for him—until you realize that he has brought every bit of it upon himself.
- DonnaLadd
- Mar 8 2007
ladd:"I'd vote for weary..." It's called Melton fatigue.
- Cliff Cargill
- Mar 8 2007
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