Brotha Hustle: "Aunt Tee-Tee and I are back again roaming the city streets, country roads and other interesting places with our mini DV camcorder, $5.99 Radio Crib microphone and work lights from the suburban Y'all Mart. Last week, our homeless wino friend, Tipsy Lee Jacobson, conducted a thought-provoking libation ceremony on the seat of a public-transit train. This week, we want to take our viral video viewers a little higher with commentary from Smokey Wheed, self-proclaimed herbalist and recreational sales/distribution agent.
"Before you begin, Smokey, please put out your rolled, crooked cigarette. Our camera, lights and microphone do not operate well in a smoke-filled environment."
Smokey Wheed: "Oops, my bad! Let me take one more drag and puff for inspiration."
Brotha Hustle: "Camera is recording. Go ahead, Smokey."
Smokey Wheed: "People thought they would never see the day when a black man was president of the United States, or another depression/recession. And look at what happened! And isn't it ironic that the black brotha gets his chance to lead when things get really bad?
"Nobody is happy. People are scared to spend their money. And when broke folk start going cold turkey on products that elevate their state of consciousness, I'm deeply concerned. Now I must sell my product at half-price and add complimentary incentives like a bootleg DVD and microwave popcorn. Today, I call my new hustle "Herb and a Bootleg DVD Recession Recreation Stimulus Package for Broke Folk."
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