Momma Roscoe: "I thought I'd never see this day. And you know what I mean. This old lady hasn't been this excited since John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1961. I'm not like that sweet 106-year-old lady President-Elect Barack Obama referred to in his speech, but I'm proud to say that I, too, witnessed a lot of history while raising my son, Big Roscoe.
"I remember when Julian Bond was nominated as a majority-party candidate for vice president in 1968. And I cannot forget Sis. Shirley Chisolm's bid for the presidency in 1972. I survived the 'I'm not a Crook'/ Watergate years, fuel shortages, hostage crises and the Voo-Doo/Trickle down Economics period. I also recall the time when Willie Horton became a household name, and when the adopted soul brotha, sax playin' president was impeached because he had sexual relations with that woman. And I'll never forget the two terms of G.W.
"Now that change has come for everybodywhether they like it or notBig Roscoe and I invite everyone from all walks of life to attend Clubb Chicken Wing's 'Spread the Warmth and Love All Day Inaugural Celebration and Disco.'
"To our Latino friends, come and have 'un bien tiempo.' To our Caucasian contemporaries, do not be afraid to socialize in the 'hood,' because the Inspector 'Beat Down' Lipscomb Security Agency will provide ample protection. And to everyone else, it's all about celebrating history and spreading the warmth together at Clubb Chicken Wing.
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