[Sue Doh Nem] The Next Generation | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Sue Doh Nem] The Next Generation

Poochie: "It's me, the talking, literate black dog. Today, I'm starring in a sitcom pilot called 'Ruff Times,' an updated version of the famous television series 'Good Times.' Kunta 'Rahsheed X' Toby is the executive producer, writer and director, and several members of the Ghetto Science Team repertory theater group play the roles of Florida, Michael, Thelma, J.J., Wilona and Penny. I play the role of Penny's granddaughter's adopted black dog, Poochie.

"After 33 years of enduring the highs and lows of living in America, life has come full circle for the Evans family and their friends. Unfortunately, their crystal stair is now a '70s re-run—progress has turned into a dream deferred.

"In 2008, the Evans family and friends have returned to tenement life in the projects, inflated food and gasoline prices, a recessive economy and high unemployment. J.J. must sell his artwork because the marketing firm terminated his job. Thelma resigned from teaching creative dance at the local high school after the city school district cut funding for the performing arts. Michael is a campaign organizer for Barack Obama. Florida and Wilona are senior citizens barely living on fixed incomes. And Penny, her daughter and granddaughter are all unemployed and live on the sixth floor.

"I just look out the window, watch the asphalt grow and reflect on the current plight of the poor and middle classes in America. Perhaps the last line of the show's theme song should be: 'We ain't lucky we got 'em—'Ruff Times.'"

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