[Sue Doh Nem] Voting Time | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Sue Doh Nem] Voting Time

Sue Doh Nem

Boneqweesha Jones: "Live from the Ghetto News Network studios, it's the Situation Room. The GNN team is on the scene like a record machine covering the early vote drive at Clubb Chicken Wing's Multi-Purpose Complex. Taaqweema Jenkins, Hair-Did University graduate and part-time GNN news correspondent, is on location with Nurse Tootie McBride, full-time nurse, community activist and coordinator of today's special event."

Taaqweema Jenkins: ӑQweesha, Nurse Tootie is wired up and ready to give the real-deal, ghetto straight-talk express. I'll to step to the side and let the train roll!"

Nurse Tootie: "Not too long ago, disenfranchised individuals, mostly African Americans and other minorities, were denied the right to vote. Before the passing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, white voters were all right; the brown-skinned folk could possibly stick around and black folk were told to 'GET BACK!'

"When black folk stood their ground and tried to register to vote, they were knocked down, beaten down and jailed. Discriminatory practices, such as literacy tests and intimidation tactics, were in full effect, by any means necessary.

"But times and people have changed—just a little bit. Recollections of a turbulent past have shaped the progressive future. No more of the divisive and hateful okey-doke! The sons and daughters of the disenfranchised have become the sophisticated and informed people of today. Therefore, I encourage the people to get up off of their 'thangs' and stand in this loooooong line.

"What time is it? Voting Time!

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