What do we like about the South? There's the food, for one thing—hams cured with southern sugar served up with black-eyed peas and cornbread. Sweet tea that goes with long afternoons on the front porch. Hitch a ride in the back of Felder Rushing's big green truck and roll with us through town, because there's food and fun and folks with whom we're gonna celebrate livin', and that's what we like about the South.
— from malsstpaddysparade.com.
St. Paddy's, Jackson Style
St. Paddy's Walking Krewes 101
Felder's the Man
St. Paddy's Schedule of Events
Oh, Yeah
Emergency Kit
Parade Hats
Cotton and Churches
[10 Things About] St. Patrick
Living In the Wake Of Dr. Kenyon
What's Your Craziest St. Paddy's Parade Memory?
Irish Heroes
Second Line Time
St. Paddy's Day Quiz
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