OK, this is funny. In his rush to defend the controversial and secretive Better Jackson PAC, which he apparently helped organize, Northside Sun columnist David Sanders is attacking the 'flatulence' of the Jackson Free Press. This column is simply delightfully defensive, and evasive, in that it does not address why Sanders' and Wilson Carroll's PAC did not file donor reports until three hours before the polls closed under pressure from the JFP and many Jacksonians, even though Two Lakes supporters John McGowan put $6,000 into the PAC back in April, which meant they should have filed a report before the primary.
But the column isn't really about that; it's a funny little desperate attack on the JFP for daring to question the secret PAC. My favorite part is near the end, when Sanders declares that he and his friends are taking back the N-JAM label I gave them years ago because they acted so goofy, back when they were all big supporters of Frank Melton and lodged personal attacks against anyone who dared criticize him, and back when Wilson Carroll called Johnson campaign donors "a rogue's gallery of chicken-pickers." And for the record, the N-JAM Club I created only includes about six guys most of whom get together for sushi on Wednesdays, or did then. It doesn't include all white men in North Jackson. I should know; I made the term up.
He says we didn't support Carroll for D.A. because he was running against a, "gasp," black woman. Actually, we did not support Carroll for D.A. because (a) he had never prosecuted a criminal case and (b) because he used Morgan Quitno rankings from Ed Peters' tenure against Peterson. You just really can't support a potential D.A. who can't get basic facts right. As a result, he and his friends have long had it in for us. It's remarkable to see Mr. Sanders, though, try to play the race card over that one. Personally, I had never met Peterson when we endorsed her against Carroll. He was just clearly out of his league in that race.
What's remarkable to me is that they are *still talking about it.* Since the Melton campaign, I'd pretty much forgotten the sushi boyz and all their attacks on us for not supporting Melton until those names started surfacing again in the Better Jackson PAC investigation. I was amazed, frankly, that they were trying the same old tricks. I guess they figured they worked with Melton, why not try it again?
What was wacky during their Melton blitz and again during their Crisler blitz is that they blame people who want the truth about crime, PAC money or anything else with the truly nonsensical claim that we LOVE crime. How absurd can you be? And how stupid can they think our readers are? We call them out for misusing information on crime, or for twisting the former chief's "perception" words back in the day, and they in turn say we love crime. Sigh.
In fact, one of my favorite JFP threads evercame in response to a David Sanders column back during the Melton campaign in 2005 when Sanders wrote a column about the JFP for loving crime—because we dared call out the cynical and misleading use of crime statistics and Morgan Quitno rankings (which the Better Jackson PAC did again) used to help get Melton elected.
The good news is that so much of Jackson, of all races and including in their own ward and some of their own friends, have rejected their games, publicly and privately to us. People are just sick of secret and dirty games and campaigning. We are forming new alliances to be "progressive" despite political party. Most of us are getting along with each other well, and bringing new ideas to the table. It just gets ugly when game-players lstart showing up and throwing the pottery, or sending secretive mailers, or papering windshields while people are at church.
The rest of us know that the way to fight crime, increase economic development and everything else we need to do will happen when we all come together regardless of where we stand on the political spectrum and regardless of our race, as we did on runoff night (despite conventional "wisdom," Johnson also drew many votes in "white" Wards 1 and 7). The Better Jackson PAC is pushing tired, old-fashioned politics and division, and most of us want no part of it, and are willing to call them out on it. There's where their problem with us really comes in.
We do appreciate Mr. Sanders drawing more attention to the Better Jackson PAC. This is a discussion we need to keep going in our community -- to make sure that secret political action committees cannot launch such cynical attacks -- with money using crime hysteria to help get a pricey development project built that will require the government to take thousand of acres of private property using eminent domain. While Mr. Sanders and the Northside Sun use their space to try to change the subject and attack the messenger, the JFP, I encourage the rest of us to put our efforts toward transparency and honesty in elections and local government. This is change we can make with diligence and attention.
It is also interesting to note that Mr. Sanders says in this column, which was first published on a local blog Monday and written on Sunday (as he said in it), that they had filed their reports. In fact, they did not file any finance reports until Tuesday afternoon, three hours before the polls closed. And the City Clerk has no record of the finance report they were legally required to file before the primary, and could not locate an organizational form at the end of the day Monday.
He writes: "We will continue to file all required reports so long as the PAC continues in existence. Big scandal, huh?"
Yes, Mr. Sanders, it is a big scandal, and an important one. Ask the people who decided to vote against your candidate when this scandal emerged. State law is clear: It requires you guys to report in the first place so voters will know who is putting out the negative trash (secretive PACs seldom put out positive materials). And, uh, when are you going to file the primary report, anyway? And did you get any more donations last week? And where are the disbursement figures for the robocalls and radio ads you yourself in your column that y'all paid for? Those are not listed on the report y'all filed on Election Day.
For more on the Better Jackson PAC investigation, see:
Mysterious Better Jackson PAC Revealed, Sort of - May 18, 2009
Better Jackson PAC, Wilson Carroll Targeting Johnson with Scary Mailer - May 15, 2009 (includes PDFs of PAC mailers)
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