Doctor Promotes Health Care Tech | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Doctor Promotes Health Care Tech


Dr. Samuel Brown spoke this morning about robotic surgery and helping reduce the state's obesity rate.

By performing robotic surgeries and using technology to educate patients, Jackson obstetrician and gynecologist Samuel Brown hopes to revolutionize health care in Mississippi.

Speaking to a group at Koinonia Coffee House's Friday Forum this morning, Brown spoke about working with patients to reduce the state's obesity rate and the benefits of utilizing robotic surgery. Brown has conducted 350 robotic surgeries and helps train other health-care professionals around the state. Approved by the Federal Drug Administration in 2005, robotic surgery allows surgeons to use robotic arms to perform procedures on patients. Benefits of robotic surgery include less blood loss, scarring, a shorter recovery time and less risk of infections. Robotic surgeries are, however, more expensive than regular surgeries.

Brown mainly performs hysterectomies with robotics, and said the technology is becoming more popular in Mississippi as well as other parts of the county. Natchez, Clarksdale and Biloxi have recently implemented robotic surgeries.

"You get to go home in 24 hours or less," Brown said.

Brown also educates obese patients on how to become healthier.

"I talk to them about their weight," he said. "I counsel them about eating and getting off the couch and doing stuff and then I have a personal trainer who I hook them up with. I don't even give them his number. You know why? Because they aren't going to call. I give the personal trainer their number."

Brown gives patients two free workouts with the trainer and follows up with them about their progress.

"We are killing ourselves with what we are putting in our mouths," Brown said.

He also has a website--Your Health Note--that provides resources and videos on how to eat healthy, track workouts and monitor workout. On the site, Dr. Larry Nixon provides cooking tips and Rochelle Culp, who lost 100 pounds herself, gives workout tips. Brown also answers questions about health on the site.

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Gene Moore is the founder of "Your Health Note" and asked that I clarify that the website is his. Moore is the owner of T-KAM Video Production Company and created the website to develop a way for Missisippians to get the information they need to become healthly.

Lacey McLaughlin

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