Anjaneyasana variation (Pose dedicated to Hanuman's Maternal Lineage or Low Lunge) Coming into the pose: Step your left foot back and place your hands on the ground on either side of your foot. Place your left knee on the ground. Hold 30 to 60 seconds, breathing comfortably. Repeat with your left leg in front. DO: • Keep your front foot flat on the ground. • Keep your knee directly above your ankle. • Draw your low belly in and up. • Breathe steadily and easily. DON'T: • Let your front heel come off the ground. • Let your knee go past your toes. • Hold your breath. BENEFITS: • Improves flexibility in the hips (flexors), groins, quadriceps and hamstrings. • Strengthens knee and core. Photo by Tate K. Nations
This is part one in an instructional yoga series, each focused on yoga positions for different purposes.
Though many yoga postures can aid runners in their quest to maintain flexibility in the hips and hamstrings, prevent injury, flush lactic acid after long training runs or reduce their recovery time, here are a few basics to get you started.
Model: Terry Sullivan, owner of liveRIGHTnow LLC, age 37
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