As a teen, I have plenty of opinions. Not everyone will listen, because I am only an adolescent. But that will not stop me from voicing them. Lately, I am finding myself voicing my opinion on women's rights. That would classify me as a feminist. I am not afraid to say it. I am a feminist.
Too many people have a negative connotation with the word feminist. Merriam-Webster defines feminism as the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Nothing wrong with that, yes? So, why do so many people shy away from that word? We need feminists in the world. We need to remind women of all races, ages and creeds that it is absolutely OK to ask for equality.
Celebrities such as Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Carrie Underwood seem afraid to use the word "feminist." In fact, Carrie Underwood has been quoted as saying: "I would not go so far as to say I am a feminist; that can come off as a negative connotation. But I am a strong female."
Why does feminism have a negative implication? How can women simply wanting equal rights as a man be a touchy subject? Not to mention, Madonna and Sarah Jessica Parker both quoted playwright Wendy Wasserstein as saying, "I'm not a feminist, I'm a humanist." The whole point of feminism is not to put women above men. It is not meant to be a fight between the sexes.
Men on average get paid more than women. How come one gender gets more money for the same job that the opposite gender is equally qualified for? There is a segregation of sexes between far too many things. There are guy jobs, guy cars, guy shows, guy movies and guy things. We are 14 years into the 21st century; shouldn't we be past all the gender isolation by now?
Feminism is about so much more than just designating certain concrete and abstract items as belonging to one gender. For example, little girls are told they are meant to be seen, and not heard. I remember being told that. I questioned the person who told me that. Why can't women be heard? The more important question is why it is supposed to be acceptable for men to be seen and heard?
The point is not to make men the enemy. Men are not the enemy. The point is that "boys will be boys," and girls will be told what they can and cannot do.
Feminism is not a girl thing. Men are feminists as well. In fact, male feminists are needed. It is important for everyone to realize that both genders are noticing the inequalities women are facing. It is a misconception that feminism is a one-sided affair. While both men and women can be feminists, there are also men and women who oppose feminism. They may not outright say they oppose it, but they definitely are not standing up to support equal rights and pay for women.
It is important to stand on the side of equality. It sends a good message to everyone around you. The human race is one that relies on the acts of others. Feminism is an act that needs to spread. We need more women, and men, in the world to stand up and let people know that women's equality is needed. Inequality affects everyone.
Feminists have existed throughout time. Earlier feminists include Abigail Adams, Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Addams and Susan B. Anthony. Modern feminists include Yoko Ono, Ellen Page and Joan Jett. The importance of feminism has been spoken about and written about, yet it still is not enforced enough. Plenty of influential people who have spoken on the behalf of women, but yet too many still see it as more of a curse word.
It is not bad to want equality between genders, nor is it a competition between genders. Feminists should not put down men just because they've been taught to separate the genders. It is sexism, but we are taught from a young age that boys do certain things, while girls do other things. Society teaches females to separate ourselves from typically male-oriented activities. When, instead, we should not have to worry about anything feminists have been fighting against for the past hundreds of years.
Savannah Hunter is a sophomore at Jackson Preparatory School.
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