JFP Q&A: Ward 5 candidate Patty Patterson (Democrat) | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

JFP Q&A: Ward 5 candidate Patty Patterson (Democrat)

Patty Patterson, 54, is running for the open Ward 5 city council seat in 2017. Photo courtesy Patty Patterson

Patty Patterson, 54, is running for the open Ward 5 city council seat in 2017. Photo courtesy Patty Patterson


Patty Patterson, 54, is running for the open Ward 5 city council seat in 2017. Photo courtesy Patty Patterson

Patty Patterson, 54, is running for the open Ward 5 city council seat in 2017.

Polls are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on May 2. Her answers to the JFP candidate questionnaire are published below, verbatim.

Name: Patty Patterson

Age: 54

Job: Owner and Operator of 

Repurposed Projects, LLC

Education: Jackson State University, B.S 1986,

Business Management 

Children: Son, Aundreus Patterson,age 30 music instructor, NYC

1. Why does your ward/district need you specifically right now?

Ward 5 need innovative and forward thinking leadership at such time as this. 

2. Provide one or two examples of when you have been an advocate for your district/ward in your personal or professional life. What was the result?

Serving the community is  something I've been called to do. Advocating for cleaner and safer neighborhoods has lead to teaming up with a private donor to get rid of abandon properties throughout the city. Education is my heartfelt  concern, so I started building "Little Free Libraries" for children in 

neighborhoods has encouraged  literacy in a fun way.

3. In the past year or so, what was the most important vote in council affecting your district/ward. How would you have voted and why?

Furloughing city employees was one vote that I couldn't agree on. Don't agree with taking food off the table of workers that are already struggling with wages that are not livable.

4. What are the top three most pressing issues for your district/ward? Please provide potential solutions.

Pressing issues in Ward 5; abandon properties- working with Revitalize Mississippi to get the State owned blighted land back on the tax roll by working with interested Jackson residents to purchase these properties. Once they purchase the tax forfeited parcels, Revitalize Ms., will  clean or clear off property at no cost to new owner. 

major street damage- Just fix the streets and sidewalks!!!

Crime- jobs, more police visibility

5. If you could propose one ordinance that would greatly improve the quality of life of people your district/ward, what would it be?

One ordinance that would greatly improve Ward 5, would be to force resident and business owners to keep there properties decent and in order.

6. Too many young people in Jackson end up as suspects or victims of violent crimes. What are your specific ideas to assist with city crime prevention that do not involve the police directly?

In order  to keep our young people out of harms way is to engage them in creative activities such as job training, community volunteer services, mentorship programs, urban gardening, healthy and wellness programs, and true family involvement. But starts with Education!

7. Provide three examples of what you believe are the most critical improvements needed in the entire City of Jackson.

3 Most critically  needed improvements in our city; public school system, how we vet for jobs, and Street/Infrastructure.

8. What needs to happen to improve the city’s infrastructure?

We must have a futuristic comprehensive plan and air tight contract agreements in order to fix our city's infrastructure.

9. What experiences qualify you for this position?

Life experiences(working and serving)  qualifies me for the position of councilwoman in Ward 5. 

10. What do you think needs to happen to improve public education in Jackson?

Properly funding our public schools is a start for improving the system, and holding down that run away freight called accountability.

11. What do you think about the One Lake project? Please detail any concerns.

Only know the little that I've read about  the One Lake project. Lack of transparency and  contract wars that put taxpayers at risk, concerns me most.

12. How can city council and the mayoral administration improve its relationship?

Mayor administration and Council can improve its' relationship if each would just remember who elected them and why. Citizens cast their vote to elect a person or persons that would serve with honesty and integrity. 

Read long interviews with the leading mayoral candidates and more Q&As with city council candidates at jfp.ms/election2017.

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