Farish Street Potential | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Farish Street Potential

Farish Street is a storied place in downtown Jackson. Developers have been working over the years to create a destination for residents and tourists.

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The structures along Farish Street, like this building across the street from Frank Jones Corner …

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Farish Street.

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Frank Jones Corner at Farish & Griffith.

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Since developer David Watkins responded to a flurry of criticism over his handling of the …

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Empty buildings are just waiting to be occupied by businesses.

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Farish Street developers may be on thin ice with their landlord, the Jackson Redevelopment Authority, …

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Abandoned and dilapidated houses, such as this one on Farish Street, are common in parts …

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David Watkins is asking the city for $8 million in bond money to finance renovations …
