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See pictures from this year's 155th Mississippi State Fair with all the food, rides, and attractions. Have you been yet?
2014 marks the 155th Mississippi State Fair, which was originally held at the Old Capitol. …
A father waits to take a picture as the carousel turns....
What would a fair be like without a ferris wheel?
By far the strangest attraction at the fair, cause for many people to stop and …
A quiet moment for this fair worker.
Derek Evans prepares roasted corn-on-the-cob, a very popular fair food.
A little corndog action. (Corn-related foods are popular it seems).
"We're the Capital Crusaders!" (from Capital Grille)
Valerie, Clayton, and Miley Massey.
'Round and 'round...
Goober & Irene Griffin.
Brian Beard and Raveena Makkar.
Minions riding unicorns.
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