Richard Coupe | Stories | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Richard Coupe

Commentary by Richard

Tease photo World

From France, With Love and Pain

If we chose to live in fear and base our decisions on our own safety instead of the needs of others, the terrorists win.

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Under Siege in America

Sadly, I feel physically safer in France, with its baguette-eating, cigarette-smoking, non-church-going, slightly rude and less social population than with gun-toting, Bible-thumping Americans.

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Why D-Day Matters

As I waited for my wife and contemplated the seemingly unending horrors that man can perpetrate on other men, I realized that standing here answered the question that I had …

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Why Write for the JFP?

Ugh! He's in my office again, with his holier-than-thou arrogance, his buffed-up hair and skin so alabaster he can't have ever seen the sun! What does he want this time? …
