""Ghosts of Hinds County" to Debut Soon" by Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS


"Ghosts of Hinds County" to Debut Soon

I will soon launch our first eBook in a new "Ghosts of Hinds County" series. The first will focus on the juvenile-detention scandal of the 1990s. If you want to hear about it right away, please subscribe (free) to http://www.jfpdaily.com">jfpdaily.com. We will announce it to the daily list as soon as it's live.

(An added benefit to subscribing: You get daily breaking news on weekdays and invitations to all our big events, including the Best of Jackson party, so there's that.)

The launch will originally scheduled for early May, but election coverage conspired against me. If you have something you think you could add to a piece about the juvenile detention days of old, please email me at [email protected]. We can talk confidentially if needed.


donnaladd 11 years ago

Note that my date on this changed again. The breaking news cycle is out of control, and I keep getting distracted. Almost there, though. Keep an eye out!

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