"Did a working mother raise you? Tell us about her." by Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS


Did a working mother raise you? Tell us about her.

Gov. Phil Bryant stepped in it yesterday when http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/weblogs/jackblog/2013/jun/04/phil-bryant-blames-education-problems-on-moms-in-t/">he blamed working mothers with the challenges in education. Since then, we've seen people posting tributes to their working mothers on social media. We'd like to collect them here, as a tribute of sorts to the amazing women who have built America, both from the nursery and the workplace. Click below to read one of my tributes to my mother who had to work at factories to put food on the table while she helped me lift myself up however she could. She was remarkable, and I miss her dearly.

Please add your tributes below.

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Editor's Note

Lest Ye Be Judged

I ran into a woman Sunday at Broadmeadow United Methodist Church who remembered that my mother used to sell Avon. Apparently, Mama had gone to her family's house in Neshoba ...


mcackett 10 years, 11 months ago

My mother was single and worked on her Bachelors, Masters and finally her PhD AND taught English full time when I was a child. We lived with my grandparents, BOTH of whom worked. My grandmother arrived in the US in 1945 from Greece at the end of WWII, speaking no English. Right after she arrived her father died, leaving her mother to care for her and her two younger brothers in a new land with no family or friends. I can't imagine how difficult it was for both of them respectively to be in the situations they were but they not only survived but thrived.

Let me also mention my paternal grandmother who was raised during the Great Depression and worked full time with her husband running insurance agency. All while raising four boys.

I come from a long line of strong, hardworking, independent women. They have shaped me into the person I am today. I am the independent, educated, successful person I am today due to the work ethic these women bestowed upon me.

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