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Jackson State University President Ronald Mason Jr. says the university will likely be downsizing classes in the next few years, but assured that no course will be shut down without strong community input.
Sen. Alice Harden, D-Jackson, confirmed this evening that Jackson State University President Ronald Mason Jr., approached her with an idea to downsize historically black colleges Alcorn University, Mississippi Valley State University and Jackson State University into specialized campuses united under the name Jacobs State University.
"He spoke to me about it, and I don't support it," said Harden, a Democrat from Jackson. "We need to do something, but this isn't it. I can't stand behind this."
The Jackson Free Press obtained a multi-page proposal Mason circulated to black legislators Friday, calling for merging Jackson State University into a facility specializing in graduate degrees in liberal arts and science. Under the same plan, Valley would become "Mississippi Valley College," which will specialize in "service learning." Alcorn University, under this plan, would become "Alcorn College," a facility for "Intense Core I" stage learning.
The proposal envisions the new university, named after former slave and Jackson State University founder H.P. Jacobs, as containing 13,000 students and 2,000 graduate students covering three campuses split over seven sites. The proposal, which plans for the new university to be the "leading producer" of African American teachers, PhDs, and pre-professionals, will have an operations center in Vicksburg handling human resources, enrollment management, and maintenance and custodial services, among other things.
Legislative prerequisites for the merger include a one-time appropriation of $10 million over the course of two years for legal, accounting and marketing, and sharp maintenance of state funding arising from the Ayers suit.
Local media personality Othor Cain, who helped organize a recent march on the Capitol protesting Gov. Haley Barbour's call to merge the black universities, called Mason's proposal "another kind of merger."
"If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you shouldn't call it a chicken," Cain told the Jackson Free Press this evening. "The way this plan is set up, it seems to turn Alcorn University into a remedial college for teaching students who leave high school unprepared for college. That's what community colleges are for."
Mason did not immediately return calls for a response.
Previous Commentsshow
What's this?I have been telling people since the merger idea first broke his hand was in the cookie jar, people didn't believe me, and I told people it was only a matter of time before he would be found out for the snake he is those of us who have worked with him as students know what kind of snake he is and I haven't trusted him since 05 when I arrived at Jackson State many of us have long known that he has had an agenda for Jackson State that was not the public one we were being sold, such garbage!!!
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 26 2010
I think the man is brilliant and is a great asset to our university. Don't you think "hand in the cookie jar," "snake" and "garbage" are rather weak descriptors for why you might disagree with the man? Surely you can do better than simply resorting to name-calling, just because you don't like him. I would expect a more well reasoned and sophisticated discussion - or even argument - than a simplistic resort to ambiguous character assassination. Perhaps it is YOU with an agenda! These tirades do little to advance your cause or substantiate any credibility for your assertions.
- FriendsofJackson
- Jan 26 2010
Here's an idea...maybe we should merge the big 3, then we could call it, Haley State, Barbour U, Or even better... Ole Mushmouth
- prentiss reeves
- Jan 27 2010
I hope Dr. Mason has a house somewhere ready to move to since I imagine alumni from all 3 HBCUs (my wife included) will be ready to run him out of state on a rail for opening suggesting a merger so similar to Barbour's proposal.
- Jeff Lucas
- Jan 27 2010
I am a professor at Tougaloo, and I know how strained our resources are (and we are better off than Valley and Alcorn). If this proposal would maximize the finances and efficency at the small public HBCU's, then I would support it. Otherwise, I do not see how they can remain financially viable. In 20 years, JSU will most likely be the dominant university in the state, given current enrollment trends. You can not fault them for long-term planning. This type of merger was done in Louisiana a few years ago, under the LSU at "X" name. For example, LSU at Monroe, LSU at Alexandria. I know there are differences due to the institutional cultures involved, but overall this would strengthen the position of HBCU's in the state.
- revdrstewart
- Jan 27 2010
The Clarion-Ledger and WAPT followed up Adam's story above today. Nice reporting, Adam.
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 27 2010
Adam and the JFP, my hat goes off to you for leading the field in disclosing/reporting this information to the public. The CL copied your report almost word for word. LOL! On a more serious note, my 1st response is: Pay Jackson State University the money owed from the Ayers case. My second is: Look at the formula used to fund HBCU's and admit that these schools have been screwed from the door. The State should give repreprations for this type of egregious racial robbery. My final recommendation is: Remove Mason before he, with his Republican views, turn back the hands of time to the days of Jim Crow. His proposal has signs and symptoms of the old plantation. Can anyone say Soventry Comission? When history is read from this period, it will surely include the name of Ronald Mason as one of the back door deal-makers who aided others in taking away the precious jewel. To the gentleman from Tougaloo, why didn't the State of Louisiana merge Southern University in Baton Rouge with LSU? If your prediction is correct, "JSU will become the dominate University in the State", then, merge Ole MS, MS State and the University of Mississippi with Jackson State being the mother school. It certainly fits demographics for motherhood. Again I say, If Haley Barbour and Ronald Mason can save the State so much money, then the merger of your larger institutions should be your JACK POT. My GM alwas said, "What's done in the dark - will come to the light." Did Mason miss her lecture?????
- justjess
- Jan 27 2010
Can any spell Soverigntry?? LOL!
- justjess
- Jan 27 2010
The JFP: Often copied, seldom credited. Thanks, justjess. ;-)
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 27 2010
Thank you Jess @ friends point taken I was a bit emotional so I will now tell why he is NOT brilliant and many former student leaders such as myself are so mad. Aside from his plan not really making much sense, and as Othor pointed out duplicating what community college is already doing at one point, which is actually NOT in the state's best interest in my opinion, this is another example of Mason being shady. If when the merger was first proposed he had not publicly came out and acted as if he did not support the proposal but thought something similar was needed I wouldn't have agreed but I would have RESPECTED him, but that's not what he did. He did what he did numerous times during my time at JSU which was talk out both sides of his mouth many times he stood and told student leaders one thing got us to tell those lies to the student body and then did something else leaving us to catch hell and explain what went wrong. This isn't new behavior. That is what makes him a snake and if he was so brilliant he would have taken the time to know the people of JSU well enough to know that the way in which he is proposing this is one of the worse ways he could've done it. But he has never taken the time to respect or understand the students and alumni at JSU he acts as if he is smarter and better than us and knows what is best. At the man from Tougaloo I am not blind to fiscal realities I fully understand that many HBCU's nationally are on decline and faced with mergers and partnerships to survive but let us be real what your talking about is not EVEN what he suggested and if you actually read it he is talking about ADDING to the system a Vicksburg office??? so let's not be so quick to jump on this like its the best way to save our schools. As far JSU's fiscal problems have you ever looked at their organizational chart they are really administration heavy, and while they recently cut a few positions its nothing compared to the inefficiency going on
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 27 2010
As if Mason hasn't made more people angry at him, I think this will take the cake.
- golden eagle
- Jan 27 2010
Great Job Adam this is why I love the JFP!!!!!
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 27 2010
The Clarion-Ledger, as usual, ripped off JFP without a word of attribution. What a shame! Thanks JFP. We'd be lost and wilderness wandering without cha!
- blu_n_a_redstate
- Jan 27 2010
Here's an idea...maybe we should merge the big 3, then we could call it, Haley State, Barbour U, Or even better... Ole Mushmouth How about Barbour College? :-P
- WMartin
- Jan 27 2010
Could be Metromix University? ;-) (If everyone gets my reference. If not, see page 6 of the print edition today.) (Actually, that would probably be Metromix Junior College.)
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 27 2010
Southern U. and LSU are both too large to merge AND are graced with huge endowments. So, no need to merge them. As for merging UM, MSU, and USM that is fine with me. However, THEY have large endowments and can get along on their own. Also, the football fans will riot and kill us all if those merged. But, in all honesty, a state of 3 million people does not need and cannot support 8 public colleges given the current economic and academic climate. Something will break eventually. I do not care about Mason one way or the other. But I would rather the HBCU's plan their destiny together and themselves than have someone else do it for them.
- revdrstewart
- Jan 27 2010
Here's a compromise: merge Valley with Delta State, MUW with MSU and pare down some of the community colleges.
- golden eagle
- Jan 27 2010
After reading the proposal from Pres. Mason, It is strange that, after he lays out beautifully the structural origins and strictures that characterize the inequities observed both between HBCU’s and PWCU’s and the larger racial disparities, he proposes a plan that doesn’t address these concerns. How does merging the HBCU’s address the issues of state laws and practices that have created and maintain the inequitable institutions that we see today? How does merging the schools begin to develop the economic and political base of the Black citizens in MS? How does making Alcorn State a remedial college help develop more prepared students? Then he sells this plan as a quasi nationalist option, what a joke!!!! Economic and political empowerment starts with the strengthening the focus of the institutions, not obliterating them. The issues he outlines are best dealt with by the MS legislature remedying their past and present discriminatory laws and practices, then pressing for better regulation of things like k-12 education, venture capital, and home and small business lending for equity, not merging and altering the missions of the HBCU’s. The only difference in what he is proposing and what Barbour is proposing is the race of the proposers.
- Renaldo Bryant
- Jan 27 2010
And what's the deal with calling it Jacobs State? Who's the namesake?
- golden eagle
- Jan 27 2010
Read the piece, golden. Nothing wrong with "Jacobs" part!
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 27 2010
I'm with Donna H.P. Jacobs was an ex-slave and the leading founder of Natchez Seminary ie Jackson State University, did I mention I am a proud TIGER for life not a phoenix. I agree with blackwatch but it was also strange that there were not any stats as the president of a university he couldn't be bothered to put some statistics in there if he was in any of the classes I took at JSU his powerpoint would have been a fail! Especially since he didn't use spell check!!
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 27 2010
Mason's powerpoint appeared to be something he did on a late Friday night after too much Jack Daniels. And he takes no more pride in his work than to actually show that piece of trash to somebody and expect them to take it seriously. PLzzzzzz
- lanier77
- Jan 28 2010
Agreed re the PowerPoint. A mess.
- DonnaLadd
- Jan 28 2010
My friends and I on facebook compared the powerpoint to the ramblings someone who's high and has a "really good idea" and sounds kinda solid until they start to explain and then your just left going, huh?
- multiculturegirl
- Jan 28 2010
(1) I am a Tougalouain and I can't believe the Tougaloo Professor believes that Tougaloo is better off economincally than Valley or Alcorn. Talk to Board members and they will tell you that it is a struggle to stay open. (2) I concede that Mason's plan has a certain logic; however, I am not convinced that the state cannot support its institutions. (3)I think it smells rotten that the three historically black institutions and one historically female institution are the most affected by all of this. The youngest institution is Southern Miss . The fact that USM is doing so much better than the four institutions on the chopping block is a clear indicator of the discrimination that has gone on in regards to the funding of these schools. Delta State is also young collegiately speaking. (4) I don't think the conservatives solution to most matters is effective. They beleive that cutting spending solves problems it doesn't. JSU, Valley, Alcorn, and the W are not on par with the other institutions economically in part because of inadequate funding; which makes it difficult to recruit. In the past racial discrimination made these institutions a viable choice for minorities and women. Now that the color barrier is broken at majority institutions minorities and women are choosing their institutions based on objective factors such as quality of facilities and the ability of the institution to provide financial aid and other resources. The state has not empowered these institutions to compete with their fellow state institutions much less nationally. The success that all four of these schools have had is a tribute to their scholars, faculty and administrations from inception to the present.
- Powerman
- Jan 28 2010
revdstewart wrote on 1/27/10 @ 1:07pm "As for merging UM, MSU, and USM that is fine with me. However, they have large endowments and can get along on their own. Also, the football fans will not and would kill us all if those merged." Please help me understand your reasoning. If UM, MSU and USM can get along on their own, then, let them do so. This will allow State funding for these wealthy schools to be redirected to HBCUs. If the FOOTBALL FANS of UM, MSU and USM will "kill us all if those merged", what should be the feelings of JSU, ASU and MVSU relative to a merger of their athletic programs? Are they expected to go into a corner, suck their thumbs and cry out with thundering silence??? Just asking.
- justjess
- Feb 1 2010
See my post under "HBCU's at Risk." Those football teams turn a profit, two are in the SEC. It is apples and oranges. College budgeting does not work the same as corporate budgeting. Tougaloo receives millions of dollars a year in grant money and alumni donations. Tuition has been relatively stable for years now; certainly not like the proposed 9% hike at JSU. So, let's be hard nosed and realistic. Due to political pressure, there is not likely to be any reform of the state college system. As the economy and private ventures (i.e. distance learing by for-profit companies and large universities) take over the niche once reserved for small colleges in rural areas, be they HBCU's or HWCU's, they will close. The market always seeks greater efficiency. In 30 years, UM, MSU, USM, and JSU will be around, along with the private schools in the Jackson metro area. The community colleges will continue with vocational programs, some may even begin offering BA degrees. When community colleges do that, for $400 a semester, the little guys are sunk. Now, to be even more realistic, the changing demographics and enrollment trends at all the major universities in the state indicate that there will be NO predominately black NOR predominately white universities in 30 years in this state. The hispanic population is increasing, the population nationwide is increasingly mobile, and more people are seeking graduate degrees. Just look at the change in racial composition of the graduate school at JSU over the past decade. Ditto for the male/female ratio in colleges statewide. Everything is changing. One can try to dam the stream but the water keeps flowing.
- revdrstewart
- Feb 1 2010
Give me a break revdstewart. The only reason whites are at JSU in any record number is because THEY GET FREE TUITION, BOOKS, AND ROOM & BOARD WHICH IS ALMOST NEVER REQUESTED. I buy your argument that the hispanic population is increasing,...and more people are seeking graduate degrees. This is the problem for the "Powers that BE." How long can we continue to graduate PhDs in this community and tell them that there are no jobs. How many more Master Degreed folks can we hire at Popeyes and McDonalds. How long: Not long. Black folks are sick and tired of these unfair tactics. Your statement about damming the stream but "the water keeps flowing" is a perfect analogy of how the dollars have always run in HWCU's and now we are asked to perch for the water(dollars) to dry up in HBCUs. Do you have any stats on the number of people in attendance to Alcorn/Valley games or any of the SWAC match ups for the season. Do you how the presence of these games in athese "poor" communities impact the financial structure? I continue to wonder why BIG schools can not be merged.
- justjess
- Feb 1 2010
White graduate students do not get those perks, especially housing. That is a myth. Your points on graduate education are well taken. There are no jobs for well-educated people. My wife has a law degree and has not found work in her field in over a year. Employers would rather get a drop-out and pay them minimum wage with no benefits than someone with a MA or PhD who will demand more. I see this every day. And don't get me started on the student loan rip-off industry that is destroying the futures of so many of our young people. I would rather see money go to K-6 and let all the public colleges start weaning themselves off state funding and control. So, justjess, we may not be as far apart as you think.
- revdrstewart
- Feb 1 2010
The only reason whites are at JSU in any record number is because THEY GET FREE TUITION, BOOKS, AND ROOM & BOARD So? What's the point? Why shouldn't people take advantage of a free college education? It's truly sad that white kids can choose go to a HBCU and then be slammed like that. How long can we continue to graduate PhDs in this community and tell them that there are no jobs. How many more Master Degreed folks can we hire at Popeyes and McDonalds. How long: Not long. Black folks are sick and tired of these unfair tactics. Why would a PhD take a job at McDonald's or Popeye's? If I had just received a PhD and the best idea for making a living I could come up with was working for one of those places, I would ask for my money back. I don't really get the unfair part. How is it unfair if you get a Master's in Latin and then find out your degree is mostly worthless (in terms of finding employment in that field) or I am misunderstanding what you are trying to say? revdrstewart made a lot of good points. They are worth considering even if you don't like them. Most people don't like the truth when it is at odds with what they want.
- WMartin
- Feb 1 2010
You are wright, WMartin, there are some truths that are painful and no one likes pain; however, I am able to acknowledge truths just as you did when you asked the question, "Why shouldn't people take advantage of a free college education?" I'm not "slamming" whites for "taking advantage of a free education." I'm simply saying that if it were not free, these schools would not even be a consideration for most who now attend "FREE". You are not responding to one of your colleagues who have had the same experiences and opportunities in life. Your point is well taken about YOU not accepting a job in a McDonald's or Popeyes Chicken. My challenge to you is to check out the job market for the State of MS. It was just yesterday in this state that the only professional job in MS for blacks was that of a school teacher and salaries were only a forth of what white teachers made. You see WMartin, "life for me ain't been no crystal stair." I also get so tired of this argument that can only be understood by those of us who have lived and continue to live one part or the other of it. On that note, I will close.
- justjess
- Feb 2 2010
I think the computer ate my corrected copy. Please spell Wright (right).
- justjess
- Feb 2 2010
Justjess, ok. You aren't slamming those kids. I will admit I assumed you were inferring that those kids would never stoop to actually attend a predominately black school unless they were given enormous financial incentives to do so and pretty much painting them all as racist freeloaders. Kids of all races without the resources and opportunity to attend bigger, more prestigious schools are working hard to better themselves in any ways they can and they need our support not derision. So, My bad. True, yesterday in Mississippi sucked the big one. Today is not yesterday and we are all looking forward to better tomorrows. Metaphorically speaking of course. All I can say to your other points is that the grass isn't always greener for everyone and this economy is spreading the misery around liberally (this I see everyday in talking with my colleagues) and it's only through dialog like this (and dialog on integrated college campuses) that we can understand each other's position at least a little more.
- WMartin
- Feb 2 2010
I am a white graduate degree holder from J State. I didn't attend because it was free. I attended because it offered one of two programs for an MSW in the state. The other is at USM and I didn't want to commute and/or live in Hattiesburg for two years. I dislike Hattiesburg. It makes me gag a little. :) I also paid for my first year, got a minority scholarship for the second year, my books were NOT FREE, and I was offered no room and board (otherwise I wouldn't have moved home with mom and dad). I owe approximately $25,000.00 for that Master's degree due to loans I had to take out to support myself during two years of unemployment. So, technically that education was not "free" and I didn't choose it because it was. There are many and varied reasons white students decide to attend JSU. One of them being they run one of the two only accredited MSW programs offered in Mississippi (although I think Ole Miss has just started one within the last few years). An accredited program is required in order to be eligible to be licensed. There is a large difference in Mississippi in the work available to you if you hold just an MSW as opposed to an LMSW. Attending JSU allowed me to become an LMSW. I was one of six white graduates in my class (2002) out of about 20-30 total students. I credit JSU with teaching me the struggle of minorities, social welfare policy and its effects on poor and disenfrachised populations, and many, many other ideas and mores I didn't learn in my predominantly white parochial school education. Overall, JSU was an amazing experience for me as it contributed to my overall knowledge of race relations in Mississippi. I normally totally agree with you JustJess, but I feel you've belittled my reason for going to graduate school and the education I got while I was there. Don't be so negative! JSU is providing its white students-as well as its african american students-with wonderful opportunities both in the job field and in coming to a deeper understanding of relationships between people of different races. I think the more white students that attend JSU, the more cultural competency they will bring to the work place and to the overall delivery of social services in Mississippi. I also do not believe that white student enrollment will come close to the numbers of african americans enrolled at JSU. But, I hope that at least some people understand that a white person attending a HBCU can be an extremely positive and enlightening experience and not one just chosen because of monetary reasons.
- Lori G
- Feb 2 2010
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