What's Your Craziest St. Paddy's Parade Memory? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

What's Your Craziest St. Paddy's Parade Memory?

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Krissy Hall: That's just it, most of us can't REMEMBER, lol.

David-Mathew Espinosa: All the best ones I can't remember at all, lol.

Tracee Kelly: Crazy Patrick the artist on a float.

Lori Gregory Garrott: I think my favorite will be this year. The first one my kid will be young enough to see and understand NONE of it. But she'll love the beads and costumes.

@flipflops: When I just sat downtown and prayed last year because I'm innocent and pure like fresh snow.
@FlyBoyMike: The whole thing is a blur. But the craziest part would be when @aspiehler got his new nickname. Spewler.
@aspiehler: @Flyboymike. Yes, good times. The theme this year is moderation.
@FlyBoyMike: What the hell is a moderation? My new motto: I don't get drunk. I get awesome.
@flipflops: @aspiehler @Flyboymike damn well better be, or you're staying downtown until you're sober. #spewler
@FlyBoyMike: @flipflops @aspiehler just cover the bedroom in plastic sheeting, like a regular Saturday night!!! Heyooooo

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