Five years ago, Dr. Roy L. Irons and an acquaintance attended a fund-raising gala in Memphis to benefit LeMoyne-Owens College, and got an idea. One year ago, the Tougaloo alumnist started garnering support from other Tougalooians, friends, and a cavalcade of metro businesses to hold the same benefit event for his alma mater. In conjunction with TRUST Marketing, Inc., the same company involved with the LeMoyne-Owens College event, Irons soon put his dream of helping his college into action. The first Two Rivers Gala will be held at the Jackson Medical Mall Thad Cochran Center on April 5 at 7 p.m.
Tougaloo—from a Native American word meaning "two rivers"—is a very historical historically black college, the site of many strategy sessions during the Civil Rights Movement and an early academic haven for intellectual thought for Mississippi blacks. Drawing professors from around the world, the college has bridged cultures and brought young and old together in common pursuits of liberty, justice and education. It recently, though, has suffered funding deficits and hopes to make up some of those shortfalls with the Two Rivers Gala. Irons says that this benefit will help to accrue funds to the college for scholarships, faculty pay, among other needs of the university. "We always look for opportunities to generate funds for students," Irons says.
The black-tie extravaganza is expected to attract a diverse group of Mississippians to enjoy a night of celebrity and musical talents. Soul singer and two-time Grammy Award winning artist, Peabo Bryson, international blues legend Clarence Carter, and nationally acclaimed musician Jimmy Smith will all be among the invited entertainers. BET Comic View comedians will provide comic relief, and talk radio man Tom Joyner will be the host.
Hoping to spoil the crowd with impressive talent, good food and plain old style, Tougaloo College President Beverly W. Hogan extends an open invitation to the Two Rivers Gala. "This is a tremendous opportunity for Tougaloo College. We applaud the leadership of the alumni leadership and invite everyone to join us at the Gala to have a great time and support a worthwhile cause, which is Tougaloo College," Hogan says in a statement.
Tickets are $100 per person; complimentary cuisine by local chefs; cash bar. Call 977-7836 for reservations.
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