Thanks, But No Thanks | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Thanks, But No Thanks

I'm no feminist, and I definitely wear a bra most days of the week, but I am fed up with men giving me their unsolicited advice or trying to force me into liberation. It happened on the track one day at the YMCA on Fortification Street. I was plodding along at my 5.5 mph pace minding my own business. Suddenly some jerk … oops, I mean strange man … ran up beside me and said, "You should lengthen out your stride," then ran on ahead. Look, buddy, I'm training for a marathon and being coached by a nationally ranked triathlon athlete; I don't need your advice. Needless to say, I didn't see the fellow again that evening. Why? After one measly mile, he headed inside to lift weights. I finished my six miles in record time while fuming over this meathead's comment.

While sharing my outrage with Blondie after our run, she relayed a similar story. A few days earlier at the service station filling a gas can with fuel for her tractor, some Bubba decides to inform her, "Ya know that's diesel, dontcha?" Yeah, she thought to herself, and at least I have all my teeth.

Why do guys (not all; I won't generalize) seem to catch the "Let me help the poor lil' lady out" syndrome every chance they get? I am not a delicate Southern flower, although I clean up pretty well. I actually know how to check the oil in my car, and I can use the potty all by myself. And, yes, I know the proper way to hold a dumbbell. I probably spend more time in the gym than most men.

This "syndrome" reminds me of a recent commentary I read on about women in combat. Two writers, both female, were duking it out this particular week about the issue. One author, a journalist, reveals that from interviews with female GIs and several national surveys, she found that most women in the military have never ached for a place on the "frontlines." Women know their limitations, particularly the physical ones, she said, but the military does need to make other changes to allow women to excel without having to prove themselves to their male counterparts. The other author, a 12-year veteran of the Air Force, shrugged at what she calls a non-issue. Of course, women aren't seething to head into direct combat; they're already a part of the action whether it's manning an intelligence center or managing the supply house. Supporting the war effort in any capacity is a satisfying deed in itself.

Different angles, but basically they agreed that putting women on the frontlines isn't key to making the military a friendlier place for women. They went on to spar about gender-integrated training/boot camps.

After reading this dialogue, I brushed up on a few issues, like the Tailhook scandal, which opened up extensive discussions about the subject of women in combat after the Gulf War. I decided that the debate over women in direct combat sounds like some guys in Washington, D.C. got together amidst their cigars and watered-down drinks and decided what they thought was best for their politics and those sweet lil' ladies in the military. Why not just let the ladies decide for themselves instead making a national case over what's probably a non-issue to most of us? Once again, men are ramming their unsolicited advice and supposed liberation down the throats of women. How typically male.

Granted, there are always some women and women's organizations involved in any discussion about women's rights and gender disparities. That only makes sense. But those women frequently represent a small portion of the general female population, and I fear that they often become a facade for male-powered agendas.

What I believe is truly liberating for women whether on the battlefield or in the boardroom is having the freedom to excel or even fail on our own terms. No guide strings attached, no booby traps identified. If I choose to go forth blindfolded or with night-vision goggles, the path ahead of me is mine alone. Don't try to protect us and certainly don't try to mold us for your own purposes.

In the meantime, I'll keep sneering at the guys at the gym offering their chauvinistic training tips, and I'll continue to roll my eyes when my husband provides driving trips on the way to the grocery store (yes, he's guilty, too). Thanks for the advice, guys, but I'll manage on my own. Honest.
Jennifer Spann is a regular columnist for the Jackson Free Press.

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