Statistics, Men and Mississippi | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Statistics, Men and Mississippi

• 100 years ago, most Americans were men under the age of 26, living in the Midwest and renting; today, more Americans are women over 35 who live in the South or West and own a home. Men are older, too—the median age for all Americans is 35.3 years. However, there is a higher ratio of men to women today than there was in 1980. Seven states, all in the western U.S., have more men than women. (source: U.S. Census data)

• In 1900, the most common household contained seven people. Since 1940 to present, the most common household contains two people. 36 percent of heads-of-households are women, up from 21 percent in 1970; in the last few decades, however, a single male head-of-household has become more common. (source: U.S. Census data)

• Women are awarded custody of children in 72 percent of divorce cases, men 9 percent and joint custody in 16 percent. In 1999, 4 percent of children of divorce live with single fathers, up from 2 percent in 1980. Most single fathers with custody of their kids are white, in the 30s and have a median income of $29,000 (source:

• More children in Mississippi are in single-parent homes as a result of divorce than as a result of teen pregnancy. The divorce rate for African-American Mississippians is lower than for white Mississippians; divorces among white couples have increased 2.75 times faster than divorces among black couples. African-Americans make up 31 percent of the population of Mississippi but only 22 percent of divorces, according to 1997 statistics. (source: Mississippi Family Council).

• In 1990, Mississippi had the lowest men-to-women ratio (more women than men) in the country; as of 2000, Rhode Island holds that distinction. In 2000, there were 93.4 males per 100 females in Mississippi. (source: U.S. Census data)

—Todd Stauffer

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