Women's Shelter Needs Energetic Bodies and Supplies | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Women's Shelter Needs Energetic Bodies and Supplies

Supplies are also needed:

Energetic bodies are needed to get a lot done in a short time. Saturday, May 31, is the work day for Stewpot's newest women's shelter: FLOWERS HOUSE. We need worker volunteers to clean and paint. Meet us at the house on the corner of Mill Street and McTyre Street. We plan to start at 8 a.m. and work until dark. (You can come for any length of time to help.) There will be Stewpot personnel there in addition to me and my husband Andy. Lunch and beverages will be provided. Please RSVP to Debbie Taylor: 965-1919.

Semi gloss off white paint
Thick rollers w/handles to paint brick
Cleaning supplies
72 four foot fluorescent light bulbs
three 14 X 16 rugs or carpeting to use for one year in bedrooms
security system of some sort even if it's a doorbell with intercom
20X30 linoleum for kitchen area
bathroom / toilet fixtures and supplies
Kitchen supplies

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