***Urgent: Mentors Needed*** | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

***Urgent: Mentors Needed***

This is a serious request. I'm writing to ask you to help the young people of Jackson in any way you can. We are in difficult times right now where high drop-out rates are feeding directly into crime in the city. Too many young people have no direction, and need guidance that perhaps their parents aren't giving them, for whatever reason. We can debate the causes all we want, and we should, but meantime let's see what we can do to help our little postage stamp and the children in it, thereby making our future safer for all of us.

I'd posit that if each of us, today, would decide to do one thing more than we're already doing to help the young people of the community, the outlook in Jackson would immediately become brighter. Call that naive optimism, but why not try just in case? So think, pick up the phone, donate some money, or just go ask a young person you don't know well to talk to you about something that's on their mind. Here's my idea ...

I have long believed in mentoring, and have seen it change people's lives, including my own (both by being mentored during a difficult child- (and teen-) hood and by mentoring others going through difficult child- (and adult-) hoods. I want to make mentoring as easy and accessible as possible for each of you by using the grass-roots power of the Internet. All I need from you is suggestions: Where can adults volunteer to mentor? (This can be established or not.) Do you know a young person who needs a mentor? A mentor with particular skills? Does your child need an adult to talk to other than you? Is there a school newspaper, or sports team, or neighborhood organization that needs adult mentors? Do you want to invest a few hours a week in a young person and don't know anyone who needs you? Tell us about yourself and what you have to offer.

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