State GOP Twists Kerry Out of Context | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

State GOP Twists Kerry Out of Context

Linked to the top of the conservative Magnolia Report right now is a press release the Mississippi GOP put out April 15 to explain "why John Kerry is wrong for Mississippi." Beyond focusing on emotional wedge issues (that "reflect the values and ideals of folks down here") that don't actually affect most Mississippians' everyday lives ("partial-birth" abortion, death penalty for drug-related murders) rather than issues that do (jobs, public education), the GOP twisted John Kerry right out of context to apparently prove that he's some Yankee who doesn't give a damn about southerners.

The state GOP writes: "Mississippians won't be fooled by a Northeastern Senator who has not only written off the South, but has even said that Democrats 'make the mistake of looking South.'"

The obvious question is: What did Kerry REALLY say?

Here's an excerpt from a CNN "Crossfire" transcript about the comment, which is not quoted in its entirety (we journalists get slapped for that kind of selective word-twisting):

TUCKER CARLSON: Here's what John Kerry said about your state. Feel the contempt.

He said this at Dartmouth January 26: "Everyone always makes the mistake of looking south toward Florida. Al Gore proved he could have been president of the United States without winning one Southern state, including his own." In other words, John Kerry to Florida: Drop dead.

REP. BOB WEXLER (D-Florida): No. No.

CARLSON: How can he win saying things like this about your state?

WEXLER: First of all, when people talk about the traditional South, they're not talking about Florida.

CARLSON: You're above the traditional South? It was part of the Confederacy. What are you talking about?

WEXLER: Look, Florida, is -- as Ileana and I both know, is a conglomeration of the whole country. Florida is a swing state. What John Kerry is saying is also fact. Al Gore could have won, of course, without winning any state in the traditional South. Had Al Gore won West Virginia and New Hampshire, that would have been the case.

CARLSON: No, he said, "People make the mistake of looking South." He's showing contempt. And, by the way, Florida is part of the South. I'm sorry if it embarrasses you, but it's true.


WEXLER: I was with John Kerry yesterday in Florida, in the South. He has nothing but passion and love for what's happening in Florida.

OK, a few random comments:

1. The state GOP needs to stop insulting Mississippians by telling us what "our" values are. We are not a monolith -- and we're much smarter than the idiots they're playing us all for.

2. The state GOP is blinking a lot lately. That is, they seem very worried about whether Haley Barbour is going to actually deliver "his" state for George Bush this fall. From what I'm hearing on the streets (even in Northeast Jackson and the 'burbs), they should be concerned. Mississippi could prove itself a swing state, yet.

3. Tucker Carlson is a whiny weinie. (Sorry, I know I'm not supposed to name-call on the blog, but puh-leaze).

4. Northern conservative weinie pundits need to stop trying to play the race card on us Southerners.

5. The writer of the GOP press release would likely have trouble meeting the reading comprehension and explanations standards set by "No Child Left Behind" testing. Try a little harder, guys.

6. Finally, the Magnolia Report needs to start linking to some chick columnists and more writers of color before people start thinking it's simply a front for the ideas of conservative white male Mississippians. They wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea.

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