Wurd Up, peoples! As summertime approaches, the news seems to get as hot as a Nelly "It's Hott In Herre" album release party in a steam room. And as Dr. King said, "Trouble is in the land, and confusion is all about … but only when it's dark enough, you can see the stars."
Case in point is the word out on the street about what's happenin' in the media world. So here's the 411 on the down low.
After booting controversial D.J. Howard Stern from six radio markets, the radio conglomerate Clear Channel premieres Dr. Condolezza Rice's call-in radio show "Tell It Like It Is: 9-11 Hearing Aftermath/Re-Mix, Part 1." Already Bruh Michael Powell, FCC chairman, gives this show a "thumbs-up!"
Nevertheless, Stern says, "Like fat meat on a hamhock, the war is on!" And he responds to Clear Channel by producing a comedic spoof/epic movie called "Old Skool Star Trek: Adventures on the U.S. Censor Ship." If it hasn't been blacked out in your city, it's coming to a theater near you.
Also look for the upcoming UPN sit-com "Blame It On Miss Cleo: We should have called for a 'Free Readin'!" starring White House staffers who testified during the 9-11 hearing.
Finally, your on-the-scene reporter has been asked to warn individuals who sell bootleg videos of the "Passion of Christ" that GOD and Mel Gibson don't like UGLY!
This has been Bone-Qweesha Jones, your reporter for the peoples.
Ken Stiggers is a television producer in Jackson.
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