Mayor Johnson was handed a check for over one million dollars Thursday for demolition of the White Rock Apartments. "We appreciate HUD's commitment to the city of Jackson," said Johnson. "This grant allows us to demolish apartments that have blighted the city for some time now. We have high hopes that this process will allow for new development in this area."
The Jackson Housing Authority will receive the funds to demolish 184 distressed public housing units at Whiterock. HUD's Hope VI Demolition grants allow housing authorities to rid neighborhoods of distressed public housing that are often eyesores and deter neighborhood revitalization. Jackson was selected from a pool of 57 applications.
After School Enhancement Program Registration Underway / Program Begins August 9th
The City of Jackson Department of Parks and Recreation is registering students, ages 7-12, for the very popular After School Enhancement Program. Those interested in registering are encouraged to go by the Parks and Recreation Administrative Offices in the Jackson Medical Mall between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, to get children signed up.
Various community centers and gyms around the city will be participating in the program, which will be held from 2:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. every weekday. Children will enjoy arts and crafts, guest speakers, outdoor play, movies and homework sessions. For more information, call 960-0471. There is limited space at each of the various centers.
Visit the Russell C. Davis Planetarium and See Saturn's Rings In Never Before Seen Detail
See images of Saturn as sent from NASA's orbiting spacecraft, Cassini-Huygens. These extraordinary images of the planet can now be seen in the planetarium program, Ringworld.
Ringworld takes audiences on a spectacular two-billion-mile space odyssey to Saturn and its fascinating satellites including a moon that may hold secrets to the rise of life on earth.
Beginning on August 6 at 8:30 p.m., planetarium visitors will be able to get an up-close and personal look at the latest images of the real "lord of the rings." Ringworld plays daily at 3:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Cost for attending is $4.50 for adults and $3.00 for children and seniors. For more information, call 601-960-1550.
Truancy Campaign
As we begin a new school year, Jackson Public Schools, Jackson Police Department, Sheriff's Department and the Mississippi Department of Human Services are joining forces to make sure that all school age children are in school during school hours.
Beginning Monday, school aged children who are found on the streets of Jackson during school hours will be taken to school by the police officer who finds them. The officers will verify the appropriate school through phone calls to the school district and they will then take the student to that school. Repeat truancy cases will be documented for follow-up investigation and action by the school district and state agencies.
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