[Featured Blog] Obesity, Cars and Suburbia | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Featured Blog] Obesity, Cars and Suburbia

Good column today from Ellen Goodman, especially for those of us interested in urban planning, the creative class, and all that stuff (Philip and Todd, I'm looking at you). It gets at the notion that one of the reasons Americans are getting fatter is because we spend more time in our cars. And we spend more time in our cars, because we live far away from work, shopping and school. This part caught my eye:

"Last fall we were treated to a sheaf of studies showing that the waistline expands with the distance you live from neighbors or from work or from the market. The farther out you live the less you walk, the more you drive, the more you weigh."


"The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation redefined sprawl itself as a public health menace. It's not just the landscape that disappears with each cul-de-sac subdivision, it's the body shape. Urbanites are on average six pounds thinner than their suburban cousins."

I'd love to see more of that research. Discuss.

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