[Stiggers] Walking Abreast in the Naked City | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Stiggers] Walking Abreast in the Naked City

Hey Yawl! This is Bone-Qweesha Jones of the Hooked on Phonics Hair and Touch-up Beauty Salon proudly presenting an exclusive literature experience with the poet laureate of the street corner, Bruh Zeke Johnson, author of "The Anthology of 'Skreet' (Street) Limericks: Writings From The Walls of Toilet Stalls," currently the No. 1 best-selling book on the 7-11 convenience store rack.

And now, Bruh Zeke.

Greetings, Peoples! I was inspired to write after watchin' the halftime sho' of the Super Bowl game. You know, the entertainment featurin' Janet "Oops It Dropped" Jackson and Justin "l Let It Fall" Timberlake. This poem is titled "Breastezez: Boobs on the Tube."

Lawd, I thought I'd never see
Wimmenz showin' their bosoms on TV
They show them on the Jerry Springtyme Sho'
And on a Snoop Dogg video

Ladies in T- shirts all unite
To expose their nipples in broad daylight
Is showing one's boobies a political statement
Or is the display for the sake of entertainment

Remember when L'il Kim wore a outfit exposing her boob
Now commercials about those cross-yo-heart push-up bras stay on the tube
And then there are folk like you and me
Who see all this foolishness on TV…

And the people say various things:
" Shame, Shame, Shame!
Oh well, Accidents happen.
Well, I say, "If you seen one
you've seen them all!"

This poem will be a part of Bruh Zeke Johnson's upcoming anthology of street poetry titled "Walking Abreast In the Naked City."

Ken Stiggers is a TV producer in Jackson.

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