No Worry: The Feds Will Pay for Medicare (Maybe) | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

No Worry: The Feds Will Pay for Medicare (Maybe)

In a bizarre twist in ideology, Gov. Haley Barbour told Neshoba County Fair go-ers Thursday that the federal government should pick up the tab for the health-care costs of poor and disabled Mississippians. "Mississippi taxpayers shouldn't pay for health care coverage that the federal government will pay for," Barbour said, as reported by the Associated Press (and not by The Clarion-Ledger in its report today, which focuses more on Barbour's sophomoric bashing of John Kerry, calling him the "ideological twin" of Teddy Kennedy. Na na na na, boo boo.)

On the vital subject of Medicare, though, read the blog posting right below this one, which indicates that the expensive federal Medicare program is probably in big trouble. This couldn't mean that after the election, should Bush win and not need elderly voters any longer, that Medicare suddenly comes on the block, and all those Mississippians that Barbour moved to the federal system are suddenly without health care, would it? Could that explain the weird push by supposedly small-government Republicans into a new era of big federal government?

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Anybody read this article out of the Sun Herald? Apparently tax revenue has been better than expected, and we have a surplus of over $28M. Barbour says we are saving $30M by cutting all these folks off Medicaid. Hmmmm. Remember that we are spending $13M on renovations to rest stops and Welcome Centers, and I wish I knew how much we're spending to improve the roads to casinos. This state needs a sensible set of priorities.


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