Chip Pickering Votes to Protect Pledge, Tax Cuts | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Chip Pickering Votes to Protect Pledge, Tax Cuts

[Verbatim statement, Sept. 23, 2004]

Pickering on votes: 'protects the values and finances of Mississippians'

Thursday night, Congressman Chip Pickering voted for two measures that he said "protects the values and finances of Mississippians from big government." The Pledge Protection Act (HR2028) and the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 (HR1308) both passed the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly.

The Pledge Protection Act uses the authority granted by the Constitution to Congress to remove issues of review from the Federal courts to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from activist judges. "Congress must protect the federal separation of powers from activist judges who want to declare the 'Pledge of Allegiance' unconstitutional because of the words 'under God.' Mississippians don't want an activist judge in California prohibiting them from saying the Pledge of Allegiance in public, and tonight Congress took a step toward defending these values," Congressman Pickering said.

Pickering also voted for the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004 (HR1308). This measure passed the House 339-65, and less than hour later was passed by the Senate 92-3 sending the $145.9 billion package of tax relief to President George W. Bush who will sign it into law soon.

"Mississippi families, workers and other tax-payers know better how to use, invest and spend their money than the government," Pickering said. "Tonight's legislation continues the tax relief measures we've provided over the past four years and reassures the economy this stimulus will not expire soon."

Without this measure, three tax cuts affecting an estimated 94 million Americans would have expired this year. This legislation keeps the $1000 tax credit, retains an expanded 10 percent income bracket and maintains the marriage penalty relief. The child tax credit - which would have dropped to $700 next year - will be extended for five years at the higher $1000 per child amount. The relief from the marriage tax penalty and the expanded 10 percent tax bracket have been extended through 2010.

In addition to those three provisions, the tax package would extend for one year current relief from the alternative minimum tax for middle class taxpayers. The Working Families Tax Relief Act also provides assistance to military families in combat zones, and extends the "Crayola Credit" - which allows teachers to take a tax deduction of up to $250 a year for classroom expenses they pay out of their own pocket - until to 2010.

Chip Pickering is currently serving his fourth term as a Republican member of the United States Congress. He represents the Third District of Mississippi and is assistant majority whip and serves on the Agriculture Committee and is Vice-Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

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