Child Safety Seats Installed- It is estimated that between 80 and 90 percent of child safety seats nationwide are installed incorrectly. Today, the city of Jackson announced they were going to try and change that locally. Fire Chief Raymond McNulty, Police Chief Robert Moore, partnering with Mississippi Safe Kids, joined police officers and firefighters who are certified in child safety seat installation to raise awareness of this troublesome statistic.
“We are very concerned about our young people. That’s why we are committed to this program,” said Fire Chief Raymond McNulty. “It is so very important to make sure infants and toddlers are strapped into a properly installed child safety seat.” Residents may stop by the Jackson Fire Department Museum at 355 Woodrow Wilson Drive or by Fire Station 23 at 2640 Raymond Road to have their child safety seats installed or checked for proper installation.
The police officers and firefighters volunteered their own time to receive the certification training to ensure residents would have a resource for proper child safety seat installation. This program is part of Mayor Johnson’s comprehensive Buckle Up campaign.
Christmas Parade Applications Available - Individuals and groups that wish to participate in the 2004 City of Jackson Holiday Parade may pick up applications from Temporary City Hall (400 East Silas Brown), the temporary Mayor’s Office (514 Court Street) or the Hood Building (200 South President Street). This year’s theme is “Jackson’s Holiday Magic”.
Applications must be submitted by November 26, 2004. The parade, which will be held Saturday, December 4, at 2:00 p.m. in Downtown Jackson, will feature floats, bands, and other marching groups. A Christmas tree lighting ceremony will be held immediately following the parade at City Hall. For more information, call the Mayor’s Office at 960-1084.
Rise & Shine Fall Basketball League
The City of Jackson Department of Parks and Recreation will be conducting registration for its Annual “Rise & Shine” Fall Basketball League for youth ages 13-14. The Rise and Shine League is made up of boys and girls teams. Teams may register until November 3, 2004 by 5:00 p.m. at the Jackson Medical Mall. Registration is free. The season begins in December with games played on Saturdays beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Kurts, Westside and Champion Gyms
For additional information, please contact Sam Miller with Parks and Recreation at 960-0422.
11th Annual Senior Health and Wellness Fair
The City of Jackson Department of Human and Cultural Services Senior Services Division and St. Dominic Hospital are sponsoring the 11th Annual Senior Health and Wellness Fair at Golden Key Center (3450 Albermarle Road), Wednesday, October 20th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free health screenings, medical and community resource information and health demonstrations will be available. FREE flu shots will be available to those seniors who have Medicare, Part B. For more information, call the Senior Services Division at 960-0454
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