Factcheck.org needs your help | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Factcheck.org needs your help

[verbatim] We are looking for examples of false or misleading political mail regarding the presidential campaign. If you receive any, please send them to us. We promise not to use your name without your permission, but we won't be able to return the material you send. Please do include your name and a telephone number or email address where we might contact you in case we have questions.

The kind of mail we are looking for might be sent by the campaigns, or political parties, or independent groups. Typically these mailings are targeted to specific groups -- such as older voters, minority groups or gun owners, for example. Since the messages aren't intended for a general audience and are seldom seen by political reporters, those who send them sometimes take more liberties with the facts than they would in TV or radio advertising that is seen and heard by everybody.

With your help, we hope to shed some new light on this sort of tactic and hold politicians accountable for any deceptions we can uncover.

Brooks Jackson
320 National Press Building
Washington, DC 20045

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