King Edward Hotel- This week the Jackson Redevelopment Authority's board voted unanimously to authorize an agreement with Historic Restoration Incorporated (HRI) to renovate and redevelop the King Edward Hotel.
This agreement will allow HRI to begin work on Phase I of the project. The developer will begin some demolition, environmental abatement and clearing of debris, necessary for developing the structure. This work should begin in January.
HRI has stated that they are going into this project fully intending to convert the historic landmark into a vibrant mixed-use development comprised of condominiums, office space, an upscale restaurant, a gourmet coffee shop and other retail space.
Check out some of Historic Restoration's mixed-use and other developments at:
Phase II of the Metro Parkway Groundbreaking Draws a Crowd
The groundbreaking for Phase II of the Metro Parkway was more reminiscent of a pep rally than a groundbreaking this week as scores of community members gathered at the Dalton Street roundabout. The Jackson State University Sonic Boom Pep Band played jubilant numbers hailing what Mayor Johnson refers to as a "redevelopment project" rather than simply a road project.
This phase of the Metro Parkway will pick up at Dalton Street where Phase I left off and continue all the way to Gallatin Street. Like Phase I, this section of the Parkway will include sidewalks, a walking trail, street lights and landscaping.
Future plans are in the works to continue the project to Hwy. 80 and from there to Hwy. 18.
Christmas Parade Applications Available Online
Individuals and groups that wish to participate in the 2004 City of Jackson Holiday Parade this December 4th may pick up applications from Temporary City Hall (400 East Silas Brown), the temporary Mayor's Office (514 Court Street) or the Hood Building (200 South President Street). This year's theme is "Jackson's Holiday Magic".
You may also download your application at:
Harvest Carnival Set for Friday, October 29th
The City of Jackson Department of Parks and the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation will be sponsoring a Harvest Carnival at the Jackson Medical Mall (350 W Woodrow Wilson Drive) Friday, October 29, from 6 p.m. — 9 p.m. People of all ages are invited to come out and support this community event.
The carnival will provide a safe environment and wholesome, supervised fun for the entire family. Admission is free for children ages 6 and under and $1.00 for everyone else. Several activities are planned, including games, prizes and a space jump, and candy will be given to each child. Children are welcome to come to the event dressed in their Halloween costumes. Call 960-0471 for additional information.
Trick or Treating
Many of you have emailed and called in and asked for the official date for Trick or Treating this Halloween. So, Mayor Johnson has designated Saturday Night, October 30, 2004 as the time for kids to go Trick or Treating.
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