One might think you'd get to know someone after living for 40 nights in a five-by-seven-foot tent, a 15-foot canoe by day, bathing in the river, fending off crawling critters, heat, cold, solid sheets of rain for just under 500 miles through the heart of a state that runs right through the middle of my heart. However, it's just not that simple.
The state, especially its capital city, also runs deeply through the heart of Malcolm White. One might think you'd know him after watching him in action in a committee meeting in search of a new police chief or the building of a telecommunications complex or a downtown convention center or a Music Hall of Fame. Then, with a group of teenagers at dinner one night, I watched him discuss the joys of life, living free with the ability to think, express opinions and vote one's convictions. The tenderness exhibited with these young impressionable minds showed me more facets to this friend.
Of course, we could talk about Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade or Jubilee! JAM or Hal and Mal's and all the music he has introduced to Jackson. We could talk about his association with the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children, Zoo Blues, Pepsi Pops and countless other Malfunctions that have brought all of us together as a community. Because these events are such a part of our lives, we take them for granted. We love them and look forward to them each year and when we hear the name Malcolm White, we smile because we know that this is the man who makes all this happen.
We smile when we remember The Ditty Wah Ditty, a great little newspaper and a forerunner to the Jackson Free Press—where so many young writers began honing their craft. My smile broadens when I picture Malcolm standing waist deep in a free-flowing river casting a fly rod for trout or bass or bluegill—hatching up the next city-wide party that will, once again, bring all of us back together, sharing in the joyous times that is such an important part of our community.
No, I don't think I will ever know him completely, for he is forever redefining himself and constantly amazing me with the size of his heart and the scope of his vision. Thanks, Malcolm White for bringing the FUN to Jackson, Miss.
Some tickets are still available for the "Roast 'N' Toast" of Malcolm White, Thursday, Oct. 28, at the Old Capitol Inn. Call 906-8698.
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