Nothing like supporting our troops. Salon reports:
Appearing on the Today show to set us all straight over these missing explosives in Iraq, Rudy exculpated George W. Bush and found a different scapegoat -- this will be very familiar to those of you who paid attention to the Abu Ghraib scandal -- the troops. "No matter how you try to blame it on the president the actual responsibility for it really would be for the troops that were there. Did they search carefully enough? Didn't they search carefully enough?" Giuliani said, while also arguing there was a good chance the explosives were gone when soldiers arrived. But still, even if the explosives were gone, using Rudy's logic, if the troops "searched carefully enough," they would have known. Not only does this not square with what we know about the U.S. troops who stopped at al Qaqaa right after the fall of Baghdad, that they literally stopped there, and in the words of the commander in the field: "We did not get involved in any of the bunkers. It was not our mission." But Giuliani's finger-pointing at the soldiers looks an awful lot like what Bush wrongly accused Kerry of doing yesterday -- "denigrating the troops."
In the kind of rapid fire response the Clintonistas working for Kerry have honed to a science by now, Joe Lockhart sent this rebuttal to reporters before the Today show was even off the air: "This is just the latest example of the excuse presidency where the buck stops any place but the Oval Office." Soon after, the Today show clip appeared on the Kerry campaign Web site.
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