Mayor Johnson Weekly Newsletter 4/8 | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Mayor Johnson Weekly Newsletter 4/8

Battlefield Baseball League

Mayor Announces Two Housing Initiatives this Week. Mayor Johnson had the pleasure of sharing the details for two new Employer Assisted Housing Initiatives this week that will benefit employees of five medical centers and three institutions of higher learning right here in Jackson.

The first program is with the Jackson Medical Education District (JMED) participating institutions, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation and Jackson State University. The program was initiated by Jackson's Office of Housing and Development in partnership with Fannie Mae. The program will provide down payment assistance to qualified JMED employees. The seven JMED institutions employ some 14,000 people.

The second program is with Jackson State University. The Workforce Home Benefit Initiative will provide the university's 1,400 faculty and staff members a variety of important home buying resources, including special loan products with flexible features for JSU employees, financial literacy/homebuyer education and new or renovated homes built near worksites. This initiative was a partnership between Freddie Mac, Trustmark Bank, Jackson State and the City of Jackson.

Department of Parks and Recreation is Gearing Up for Summer with Great Programs
Summer Enhancement Program. Summer's just around the corner, which means area youth are anticipating getting out of school and having fun with friends. For parents, however, this means the search for supervised educational and recreational camps and other opportunities is beginning. The City of Jackson has a great solution available for families.

The Summer Enhancement Program is a low-cost program that runs the duration of the summer (June 6 — July 29, 2005) during work hours (7:30 a.m. — 5:30 p.m.) — a double bonus for parents. A favorite among children as well, they get to experience guest speakers, stimulating and educational activities, arts and crafts and recreational projects, and receive a daily lunch and snack — all at a very low cost of $40 for the eight-week program (That's only $5 a week!). Similar programs around the metro area cost up to $50 a week for only 3 hours of programming a day, no meals included.

Jackson residents may register Wednesday, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. at the Jackson Medical Mall (350 West Woodrow Wilson), Center Court. Participants must bring proof of residence (i.e. utility bill or driver's license) and a copy of your child's 121 Immunization Compliance Form. The day of registration $25 of the payment is due, the remaining $15 balance is due by July 8th. On April 25th, registration is available on a first-come, first-serve basis to the general public (including non-residents) until all programs are filled. Call 960-0716 for more information!!!

Summer Athletic Programs Now Registering
The League is divided into two age divisions: 9-12 year-olds and 13-15 year-olds. A child's age as of September 1, 2005 determines for which age division he will play. Games will be played at the Battlefield Park Baseball Complex.

Teams may register through May 27, 2005 at the Department of Parks and Recreation office at the Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Drive, Suite 311-C). Proof of age is required.

All games will be played on Monday and Thursday evenings and the league begins June 12, 2005.
For more information, contact Sam Miller at 960-0716.

· Slammin-N-Jammin Basketball
Teams consisting of girls and boys 9-12, 13-15 and 16-18 may register between now and June 3, 2005 free of charge.

Teams interested in participating may register at the Department of Parks and Recreation office at the Jackson Medical Mall (350 W. Woodrow Wilson Drive, Suite 311-C).

Boys' games will be played at Kurts Gymnasium and girls' games will be played at Champion Gymnasium, and the league will begin on June 20, 2005.
For more information, contact Sam Miller at 960-0716.

· More Youth Programs

Registration is also being taken for Metro Jackson Girl's Softball, and stay tuned for more details on the Hershey's Track and Field event this May.
Call Sam Miller at 960-0716 for information about any other youth athletic events you are interested in.

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