Lott to Chair Hearing on Amtrak's Future | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Lott to Chair Hearing on Amtrak's Future

[statement/verbatim] April 20, 2005—U.S. Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, chairman of the U.S. Senate Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Subcommittee, will conduct a hearing Thursday morning on the future of America's National Railroad Passenger Corporation—Amtrak.

Witnesses will include Jeffrey L. Rosen, General Counsel and Secretary's Representative to the Amtrak Board; Kenneth Mead, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT); David M. Laney, Chairman of the Board, Amtrak, and David L. Gunn, President and CEO, Amtrak.

"I believe today, as I always have, that Americans should be served by a national passenger rail system, and I look forward to hearing testimony from these expert witnesses about how we can preserve national passenger rail service inAmerica," Senator Lott said. "Together, we've got to find a way to make Amtrak self-sufficient without relegating passenger service to just a few large metropolitan areas. Residents of states like Mississippi are not going to subsidize the ride exclusively for folks in the Northeast corridor. If Americans nationwide are going to pay for Amtrak, then it must be preserved as a true nationwide system."

Senator Lott helped write the Amtrak Reform Act of 1997, which will be discussed at length during the hearing, including that act's specific proposals for Amtrak reform. Though the Reform Act expired in 2002, many key components of that plan, including the contracting-out of some costly in-house Amtrak services, have yet to be adopted by Amtrak. Meanwhile Amtrak has devoted vast resources to the development of high-speed rail in the Northeast and has borrowed to fund growing cash losses.

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