Last year on New Year's, I made a resolution against resolutions. My logic for this decision was knowing that if I truly wanted to change something about myself, I could wake up some random Tuesday in March and make the same promise with the same results. I guess this gives a pretty good idea how well my resolutions have previously been integrated into my life. Yes, like hurricane relief in the Senate. Empty. Freaking. Promises.
So this year, I decided I was going to free you from calling the Psychic Friends Network the next 52 Friday nights of 2006 and create my own predictions. I previously asked if I could write a column espousing the New Year's resolutions of Jessica Simpson's magnificent boobies and was turned down. Because of that, I warn that these predictions are not going to be nearly as exciting as they could have been. So, you're stuck with Ali G's Magnificent 2006 Predictions For Those Of Us Who Know Too Much Random Entertainment and Political Trivia.
1) Jessica Simpson's boobs will be listed in her divorce decree as the main breadwinners in the family. As a result, Nick will receive one full boob's pay for the remainder of his MTV Given Life. (Didn't think I was gonna make it all the way through this without talking about them, did you?)
2) Cheney will find his heart somewhere in that undisclosed location. George Bush will never find his.
3)Exercising his newfound conscience, Cheney will nicely torture Bush under the watchful eye of Sen. John McCain until he relents on the whole "spying on Americans is, like, totally OK" thing. Condi Rice won't be in attendance for the torture, but when the press asks her about the horrible and undocumented event that will mostly likely happen in another country, she will say, "I completely and totally agree." Over and over and over again.
4) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' baby will be born and worshiped like the second coming of a chocolate-covered Christ. The Scientologists will implant special x-rays into his corneas that automatically force the onlooker to break into dance on large furniture and completely ruin a perfectly good career by being an #######. In doing so, they dominate the world and let John Travolta run it. It's Saturday night every day and boogie, boogie, boogie all the time.
5) Google will actually find some way for people to pop through the computer screen after doing a search on their name. They will also start a church, buy the Coca-Cola company, and own the searching rights to your soul and your mom.
6) Bill Gates, knowing he will never be able to top owning the whole world and being Time magazine's Person of the Year, will have a nervous breakdown. The moon will fall from the sky, and small furry animals will weep. There will be wringing of hands and great gnashing of money. Think I'm kidding? Read Revelations.
7) Britney Spears will get divorced. And married. And divorced. And pregnant. And married. And then, maybe she'll do a world tour where she dances naked and says it's a "kids" show simply because she has deigned to cover her nipple with one tiny, sparkling sequin and wrap a snake around her abdomen. (Britney, if you're reading this, I'm totally kidding. Seriously. I loved you in "Crossroads." Call me!)
8) That last guy who lives in Utah and hasn't seen Paris Hilton naked yet, will. The Seventh Seal will then be opened, and she will bring forth twin girl offspring who will torture my children, and my children's children with vapid mouth-breathing interviews, bad fashions, and the ruination of otherwise perfectly good, bad horror films.
9) Someone will offer to buy me a nose job. I will then have the surgery and realize it was true, all of life's problems do completely vanish with the old nose. I will never again feel badly about myself or have to pay taxes. I will be featured on a new reality show named "Look, I Cut Off My Face And Feel Much Better Now."
10) Someone will finally get Michael Jackson to stop touching children. It won't be Jermaine or Jesse. It quite possibly could be a few people from Bahrain with dull butterknives.
I know that I can be fairly optimistic at times, but I feel the above list is a good start. I find most of the time real life tends to exceed anything I could ever imagine, so I thought I would shoot high. As far as reliability goes, I can't truly claim any of these will actually come to pass. But wouldn't 2006 be a hell of a lot more fun if we lived in a world where they did?
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