The following is an excerpt from the script, "The Spooks outside Yo' Door" by Kunta "Rasheed X" Toby:
Ghetto Science Espionage Board of Elders meet with full-time lawyer and part-time intelligence agent Cootie McBride and his second cousin agent Jody "Got Your Gal" Banks, who is also a part-time Sexual Chocolate Chippendale dancer at Clubb Nearly Butt Naked.
Main Elder: "As you know, the White House has started a 'domestic espionage' program allowing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop—without warrants—on international calls and e-mails of Americans and others inside the U.S. Therefore, we conclude that this program could affect the privacy of ghetto citizens."
Jody: "Aw, Main Elder! The government did that stuff to us in the '60s, right?"
Cootie: "Jody, the government conducted 'domestic spying' way before the '60s. So there's nothing new under the sun."
Main Elder: "Agents, we, the board of elders, have interrupted your regular civilian jobs because we need your expertise in counter-intelligence. As special agents on operation 'Hook a Sista Up: Condi Needs a Man,' Cootie introduces Jody to Secretary of State Condi Rice. Then, Jody seduces Condi with his good looks, charm and intelligence. And when Jody really hooks the sista up, we hope that Condi convinces the White House to stop spying on us poor folk. Our privacy is all we have left! You feel me?"
Cootie and Jody: "Yeah, we feel you!"
Ken Stiggers is a TV producer in Jackson and the co-host of The Lyric Lounge Thursdays at Santiago's.
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