[Stiggers] When I Say, ‘Hee', They Say ‘Haw'! | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Stiggers] When I Say, ‘Hee', They Say ‘Haw'!

This episode of "All God's Churn Got Shoes" has the answer to the burning question: Where is Colin Powell? The former secretary of state and his son Michael (former FCC Chairman) have gone to China to visit Master Po' Brutha, elder Shaolin Priest and honorary member of the Ghetto Science Team.

Master Po' Brutha: "Welcome to temple. What's on yo' mind?"

Colin Powell: "I cannot run for political office because I've become the Rodney Dangerfield of politics. On various issues, I've been muzzled, outflanked and humiliated by my so-called colleagues. I've put my reputation on the line regarding the WMDs. And when I say 'Hee,' they say 'Haw'! I thought my opinions and thoughts counted. The last straw was when a Democratic committee staff person dissed me during my testimonial before the House International Relations committee. Also, my son had to resign from his job because folk didn't like how he handled the 'wardrobe-boob-malfunction' incident. Now folk are scared to say 'Boo-Boo' on TV!"

Master Po' Brutha: "Mr. Powell, remember the words of cartoon character Super Chicken. He told side-kick Fred: 'You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!' I suggest that you and yo' son work in the private sector and write a controversial political memoir that puts colleagues' bid-ness—fo' the whole world to see—out in the streets!"

Next episode, Bubba the "Gospel Kitten" sings: "I'm comin' up on the rough side of the 'Meow-Tain!'"

Ken Stiggers is a TV producer in Jackson and the co-host of the Lyric Lounge Thursdays at Santiago's.

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