Watching a Rockwells show will bust open any preconceived notions you might have had about four college students, home for the holidays, getting together to play with their old band. In Jackson, The Rockwells' popularity is audible, if not deafening.
As a band, they've achieved enough local celebrity to fill W.C. Don's past brimming, a lofty achievement for a group of college students. And if you scan the crowd at one of their shows, you'll notice more than a few fans mouthing along with every verse. Eventually, you'll notice your own mouth agape, catching onto the hook like a fish. Anyone who's ever been to a Rockwells' show can understand. Anyone who hasn't should, as soon as possible.
Dent May, 19, is the lead singer and guitarist for this operation. He's been passionate about music since he can remember and has been playing with The Rockwells "technically since eighth grade, officially since 11th grade."
The Rockwells are not only band-mates and former classmates—they're also friends. May says, "It's hard for me to imagine playing music with anyone except them."
This past summer, while reconnecting musically with his band-mates, May worked at the Mississippi Film Office ,assisting with a film camp for kids that they host every year, an experience he says he enjoyed because it allowed him to get involved with the community.
May has lived in Jackson his whole life. "I love Jackson," he says, "grew up in Belhaven." He graduated from Jackson Prep in 2003 with the rest of his band, and went on to attend the notoriously selective film school at New York University. But by leaving town, May has no intention of cutting strings.
"Being away from (Jackson) has really helped me appreciate it a lot more," he says. Of the artistic community in Jackson, May says that it's "kind of small but tight-knit and open-minded: good local music, great artists."
Up next for May is a break from school. He's taking a semester off and staying in Jackson, "partly for musical purposes." When May speaks of his band's future, he smiles confidently and speaks quietly. He says he intends for The Rockwells to "go as far as possible."
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