Jackson Chosen for "Spotlight on Excellence" Award. The city of Jackson recently received a $30,000 "Spotlight on Excellence" Award from the Dupont Corporation and the U.S. Conference of Mayors to begin a lead paint education and assessment program in the Enterprise Community area of Jackson.
Jackson Poised to Receive $7.4 Million Federal Dollars
Jackson also found out that it was receiving $7.4 million in Congressional earmarked funding for projects such as the clean-up and renovation of the King Edward Hotel; purchase of JATRAN buses; Law Enforcement technology; and funding to continue the Youth Entrepreneurship Training Program we began four years ago in Jackson Public Schools.
"Cartoon" Youth Basketball League Registration
The City of Jackson Department of Parks and Recreation announces that applications are currently being taken for "Cartoon" Youth Basketball League.
Boys, ages 9-12 and 15-17, and girls, ages 9-12 and 13-14, may register by team. Teams must have a cartoon or other mascot nickname. For example, previous teams have been the T-Devils, Hot Wheels, Raptors and the Bulldogs.
All games are played on Saturdays and the season culminates with a city championship and league tournament.
Register at the Jackson Medical Mall, Parks and Recreation Department (350 Woodrow Wilson Drive, Suite 311-C). The deadline for team registration is Friday, February 18, 2005 and there are limited team slots available.
For more information, please call Sam Miller at 960-0422.
Roll Off Dumpster Day set for January 8, 2005
The City of Jackson's Solid Waste Division will hold its next Roll Off Dumpster Day Saturday, January 8, 2005 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., depending on weather conditions.
Jackson residents may bring yard waste and other household debris to any of the following locations:
Ward 1 Spann Elementary School, 1651 Brecon Drive
Ward 2 Tougaloo Community Center, 318 Vine Street
Ward 3 Commerce Park (near Stonewall Street)
Ward 4 Peter Quinn Drive, near Capital City Alternative
Ward 5 Barr Elementary School, 1593 West Capital Street
Ward 6 Key Elementary School, 669 West McDowell Road
Ward 7 Midtown Park, @ Fairbanks/Mill Streets
Residents are asked not to bring tires, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, chemicals, or gas tanks. These items are not accepted in the Roll Off Dumpster program.
Citizens are required to place debris inside dumpsters themselves, and no businesses are allowed to participate.
This service is for Jackson residents, and proof of residency may be required.
For more information, call the Solid Waste Division at 960-1193.
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