In the aftermath of the Edgar Ray Killen arrest, the tough-on-crime stalwarts at The Northside Sun fretted over whether the old Klansman can possibly get a fair trial in the state's current "political climate," and seemed very bothered that the climate is changing (presumably for the worse), thus allowing such belated arrests to occur.
They wrote in last week's editorial: "Killen and the rest may be guilty, but they're still entitled to a fair trial. That will be challenging given the more than 40 years that have passed and with a powerful chorus clamoring for their convictions. A conviction must be based on solid evidence, not political expedience." We love ya, Wyatt. Hoot-per-minute.
Two letters to the editor in Sunday's Clarion-Ledger don't do much to expel the notion that racism is alive and festering in the state. Charles Odom from Brandon wrote, "In this name-changing era, I can't understand why the black community is letting such a golden opportunity pass without trying to change the name of Neshoba County to Chaney County."
Jimmie Morgan of Amory proffered a bit of a threat in his letter: "If Jerry Mitchell and others there don't like our state, they can leave or be tarred and feathered and run out. There are other places he and his kind would better fit. Furthermore, if your paper cannot begin to represent the majority population of this state more civilly, then we do not need you. You do realize the majority race of the state makes your living do you not? Shape up or ship out!"
Disclaimer: These brilliant "thinkers" do not represent all Mississippians, just the most annoying ones.
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