You Are a Jacksonian If ... | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

You Are a Jacksonian If ...

1. You eat at Hal & Mal's more than once a month.

4. You shop at Video Library or Video Café before you go near Blockbuster.

5. You look forward to the Convention Center more than your birthday.
6. The Mayflower is not just something Pilgrims rode on.
7. You think Kamikaze and David Banner are cooler than Lil Jon and Usher.
8. When you think downtown, you think rental property, not crime cesspool.
9. Your idea of fun is a King Elementary concert.
10. You'd rather have a Tony DiFatta, Ellen Langford or William Goodman painting than a Van Gogh in your living room.
11. You know that a vegetarian (Al Stamps) makes the best and beefiest burger in town.
12. You know that "Smith Robertson" is not hyphenated (it's a man's name).

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