City of Jackson's After-School Program Registration Begins Monday, August 1. Now that the popular Summer Enhancement Program is approaching the end, the City of Jackson Department of Parks and Recreation announces another chance to join in on the excitement with its After-School Program. The program will be held at six participating sites around the city. The goal of the program is to provide educational, recreational and tutoring services to school-aged children. Registration will be held Monday, August 1, 2005 and will continue on the following Mondays and Tuesdays until all slots are filled. Those interesting in registering for the program may come by the Department of Parks and Recreation office located in the Jackson Medical Mall from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Parents need to bring a copy of the child's 121 Immunization Compliance Form (shot records) at the time of registration.
The six participating sites are:
1. Battlefield Community Center, 953 Porter Street (25 slots)
2. Grove Park Community Center, 4126 Parkway Avenue (25 slots)
3. Jayne Avenue Community Center, 3615 Jayne Avenue (25 slots)
4. Medgar Evers Gymnasium, 3159 Edwards Avenue (25 slots)
5. Sykes Gymnasium, 520 Sykes Road (25 slots)
6. Vergy P. Middleton Community Center, 3971 Flag Chapel Rd. (25 slots)
The program is FREE to children ages 7-12, and runs from 2:15 until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, August 8, 2005 through May 26, 2006. Children report to their respective community center sites after school each day and are provided educational and recreational activities until their parent or guardian picks them up at 5:30 p.m.
Alonzo Banks, Recreation Coordinator, said, "There are a limited number of slots available at each of the centers, so register early. This program is very popular and for a good reason. It targets the age bracket of children who are a little too old for daycare and provides another means of supervision — which is a relief to working parents."
960-0653, 960-0663 for more information.
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