Medgar Evers Boulevard Median Enhancement. Monday, May 16, 2005, Mayor Harvey Johnson, Jr. announced the Medgar Evers Median Enhancement Project that is transforming one of Jackson's most important corridors.
The Medgar Evers Median Enhancement Project is a beautification project that will consist of several different elements. First the concrete median is being removed on Medgar Evers Boulevard from Five Points (intersection of Livingston, Woodrow Wilson and Medgar Evers) to Freedom Corner (intersection of Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers).
Next a new curb will be installed to create planting islands 13 feet in width. These islands will be heavily planted with a variety of low-growing plants designed to highlight the intersections. Large sections of the median will be grassed and planted with Country Red Crape Myrtles. The islands will be irrigated and the city's Park Maintenance division will oversee the upkeep.
The city is also working with Entergy to remove the numerous wooden light poles located along the sides of the road and will replace them with fewer, more efficient, decorative poles, much like the ones found along Lakeland Drive and Highway 80 near Metrocenter.
This $657,500 project is funded from the 2003 General Obligation Bonds.
Jackson's Solid Waste Division Encourages You to Recycle!
What are Recyclables?
They are products that have the potential to be recycled and/or re-manufactured.
· What products can be made from recycled plastics?
New soda bottles, plastic wood and other plastics can be made from recycled plastics. These products can be found in park benches, automobile parts, non-food containers, irrigation pipes, toys, boat sails, artificial flowers, flower pots, garbage bags and water skis.
· What products can be made from recycled tires?
Water hoses, air conditioner pads, mud flap used on large trucks, rubberized asphalt and sidewalks, speed bumps, traffic cones, lumber/decking, tiles, carpet cushion and playground surfaces are all products that can be made from recycled tires.
· What products can be made from recycled aluminum cans?
New aluminum cans, aluminum foil and window frames can be made from recycled cans.
· Why should we recycle?
To save landfill space
To preserve our natural resources
To provide jobs
To protect our environment
To make new products
· Do you know how long it takes these items to decompose in a landfill?
# Diaper 300-500 years
# Plastic bag 20-30 years
# Banana peel 2-5 weeks
# Leather Purse 50 years
# Newspaper 1 year
# Wooden Chair 20 years
# Glass Jar 1,000,000 Years
For more information about Jackson's Recycling Programs, call 960-1193.
Potholes Don't Stand a Chance with the Road Rangers
See a pothole? Call the Pothole Hotline at 960-7684. After the pothole is reported, the Road Rangers, the city pothole crew will repair the pothole within 72 hours (depending on the weather).
Download the City's Leisure Service Guide for Fun this Summer
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