(Update: Supporters of community policing are calling for Jacksonians to go to City Council meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday downtown at City Hall to call for the mayor and police chief to reverse their decision to eliminate the Crime Prevention Unit. Read through the following thread for background.)
Verbatim from Bob Oertel, moderator of Precinct 4's community policing (COPS) program, in a Sept. 28 response to the city's announcement that it is cutting the city's Crime Prevention Unit:
Friends & Neighbors, There have been some recent developments regarding the structuring of the JPD and the mayor's decision to eliminate the Crime Prevention program in Jackson. It is widely accepted that crime prevention programs on the whole including community policing and government) are both cost-effective and socially responsible to reduce the consequences of crime and victimization. Certainly the question of how effective the eight crime prevention specialists and our local crime prevention programs is working should be asked. However, I do not believe that it is appropriate for our mayor to swiftly discard this essential component of our resources to fight crime without providing a forum for public discourse...Or even bring it up for discussion with our city council. A lot of folks that I have spoken with feel that dismantling community policing and government are not far behind on Mr. Melton's list.
The most recent information says there is a special budget committee meeting tomorrow afternoon in the Council Chambers at 1 PM, and a special meeting of the City Council immediately following or at 3 PM, whichever is sooner. I plan on showing up for this meeting and hope to be granted a short time to speak to our leaders regarding this issue. It would be appreciated if members of the community would be there for support and to show unity in the idea that long-term benefits regarding crime in Jackson will be found in proactive and preventative strategies and not in reactionary "let's just build bigger jails" ideology.
I have great respect for both Sheri Jones and JoAnn Harris, the CP specialists that I have had a pleasure getting to know at Precinct 4. Ms Jones feels that the following are a few questions that we need to be asking our government in the absence of Crime Prevention:
Who does the community call to organize & conduct community meetings?
Each year CP units go into the schools and educate the students, this also includes the daycares. During special events, i.e. Red Ribbon week, CP goes into the schools as a unit and put on a special program in the auditorium for the students. We also teach several other CP programs in the schools: Drug Awareness, Personal safety, Stranger Danger, Law Enforcement Day and more....
We DO NOT MENTOR... we teach common sense approaches to preventing crime and ways to enhance the quality life in the community. We take a pro-active approach to crime prevention, police are re-active, most of the time, they're called after crimimal activity occurs.
We also setup display/informatin tables at community events, schools, churches and businesses. This could last 4 hours or more. There are times when Crime Prevention organized these events or assisted organizations in getting the event organized. CP Reps would make sure JPD was represented at these events by contacting different units with JPD and ensured someone from those units participated.
Who will conduct walk-through surveys of your homes and businesses?
Are police officers certified to conduct these surveys? Crime Prevention Specialists are trained and certified in both conducting surveys and crime prevention by International Society of Crime Prevetion Practioners.
Once a survey has been completed at your home or business, the Reps provide written recommendations to the owners. This walk through could taken up to an hour or more. Should beat officers take time off the streets to do the same?
Crime Prevention Specialists also go out to businesses and place Emergency Business Decals on doors which assist officers in knowing who to notify if any criminal activity occurred after hours. There are times Reps go to a location and place up to 50 decals or more in one location. When will an officer have the time to do this?
We also place H.E.A.T Decals on vehicles. Reps do this at the citizen request. This could be one person or a group of people. We go out on weekends and evening hours and place decals on citizen of Jackson vehicles. Although the steps to eliminate the crime prevention program in Jackson have been taken, we would appreciate your support tomorrow in voicing disapproval.
Thanks and hope to see you tomorrow
Bob Oertel
Jackson Precinct 4 COPS
[e-mail missing]
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