Now, I don't know if any of you have read the "mountains of newly released records" concerning Ms. Miers. But, if you haven't, let's just say "birthday cards" are considered "records" now.
So, if we are now basing our Supreme Court Judge nominees on their ability to inscribe personal messages on greeting cards....I think she still sucks.
These greetings involved hoping the Bush twins are sober enough to realize they have "cool" parents. I'm assuming she's referring to Laura's body temperature with that one.
She then tells the president that he is the "GREATEST"...and I'm crapping you negative with this one, "YOU ARE THE BEST GOVERNOR EVER!"
That, combined with Ms. Miers statements regarding George W. Bush's intelligence level ("I think he's a genuis") are really starting to scare the Baby Jesus out of me.
I mean, come on "THE BEST GOVERNOR EVER"?
That SUCKS as far as greeting card inscriptions go.
You have one of the most interesting subjects alive if you are looking for witty banter....
She had much better options like
"You've killed more people than ANYONE!"
"You've managed to never actually WORK."
"You've lived in American your whole life and STILL don't know English".
Now, THOSE are accomplishments worthy of mentioning in just-released, super-secret, evidence-of -judicial-prowess documents.
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