Condi's got a great Halloween Costume. | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Condi's got a great Halloween Costume.

Michelle Malkin, whom I dislike with the burning fire of a thousand suns, has an interesting photo of Condi on her web blog

One of them, published by the USA Today, seems to have been photoshopped to make it seem as if Condi is one of the undead. Despite this warming the cockles of my heart, Ms. Malkin makes it seem as if the USA Today threatened her unborn children. And, that just wouldn't be kosher...considering the already threatened plight of fetuses everywhere in this country.

But, you know...its that DAMN LIBERAL MEDIA again.

I'm sorry, but everytime I see her on FOX News I want to strangle her.

To coin a phrase from "Third Rock From the Sun". Michelle, STOP BEING SUCH A FETUS!

Here are the Condi pics for your own Halloween amusement.

Here is Condi as a Zombie


Here is the real Condi


And here's another one just because, well, hell...LOOK HOW FUNNY IT IS


I, personally, think Condi should stick to the "military pilot" costume this Halloween. Those goggles do so much for her.

Previous Comments


I saw that, Ali. It inspired me to send links to remind all of our art folks and photographers of photo ethics rules.


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