UPDATED/URGENT: What to Donate NOW in Jackson/on the Coast | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

UPDATED/URGENT: What to Donate NOW in Jackson/on the Coast

This thread orginally started Tuesday, Aug. 30, and has been updated over the last several days. Be sure to read the comments to the bottom to determine the way you can help as the needs change. And please post information here about donations, specific needs and where to take them.

The wonderful Rev. Emma Connelly from St. Andrew's, and other JFP bloggers, keep updating us with lists of needs of local shelters. Click "more" to see/print the whole list and updates posted below it.

1. Here in Jackson: Amid all the devastation within our neighboring New Orleans, and on the Gulf Coast, many evacuees are unable to leave shelters and must remain for a few more days. We know many of you are miserable in our own city as well. The Epis. Diocese of MS received a call for needed supplies for evacuees at the Mississippi Coliseum in Jackson:

Bottled water
jugs of water
Coloring books, crayons and other simple children's games & activities
-x-large t-shirts
infant clothes

Our city's water in contaminated and therefore the water situation is dire. For those of you who have restored power and are able to read this, please check your homes for some of these items, or if you are able to get to a nearby WalMart these items are all needed desperately. You may either deliver to the Coliseum yourself, bring these items to St. Andrew's, or call me and I can pick them up and deliver to the Coliseum.

2. For Lutheran/Episcopal Disaster Relief efforts on the coast: Supplies Needed for Hurricane Disaster Relief – St. Andrew's is a collection point for the Jackson area. If you have any surplus items on the list below, or can donate any of these items, please deliver to St. Andrew's, or call the Cathedral. These items will be delivered to a central collection point in Hattiesburg:
Chainsaw with: Chain brake, catcher, spark arrester
Chainsaw chaps and boots with steel toe
Gas can and gas
Rubber boots
Gallon sized water containers
Extension cords
Power strips
Electric cords
Dry Ice
Water purification tablets
First Aid supplies
Battery powered radios
Coolers filled with ice
Duct tape & other adhesives
Roofing nails
Tools – hammer, wrenches, screwdrivers, etc., anything for repairing or prying loose
Work gloves
Matches w/waterproof container

Cleaning Supplies:
Bleach – Clorox
Clorox wipes, etc
Industrial Size Push Brushes
Garbage Bags – heavy duty
Garbage cans
Face masks
Paper Towels
Toilet paper

Food supplies:
Canned food
Manual can opener
Cooking tools
Paper plates
Non perishable food items
Food items for infants and elderly
Food for special diet's – salt, sugar, etc.

Call the church with any questions,

The Rev. Emma F. Connolly
Canon Deacon for Pastoral Services
St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral
Jackson, MS 39205
601-354-1535, Ext. 128

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